Discord Werewolf是一款在Discord上运行游戏Werewolf(Mafia)的机器人。 它是使用discord.py用Python编写的。 您可以在Discord上找到我,编号为belungawhale#4813。 设置机器人 安装Python 3.5或3.6。 可以使用的最新Python版本是3.6.8,可以从安装。 如果您在Windows上运行,请确保选中将Python添加到PATH的复选框。 克隆此...
A Discord bot to play Mafia, Werewolf and similar games Click the banner above or this link Wolfia is considered to be beta status. New games, modes and features are coming out regularly. Please check outhttps://wolfia.partyfor a full list of commands and games!
Discordのボイスチャットの音声を、別のボイスチャットに転送するBOTです。 このBOTは、TumoiYorozu様のDiscordWerewolf.ts(Discord 上で人狼ゲームを行うための GM bot)を改造して制作しています。 https://github.com/TumoiYorozu/DiscordWerewolf.ts インストール方法 Discord Bot のアクセストーク...
✔ WereWolf Darkest Flame 🐺 ✔ E outros + de 4.000 mil slots diferentesRecursos do Painel para Opções Binárias ✔ Envio de sinais 100% automáticos no Telegram ✔ Sala personalizada com sua logomarca e planos ✔ Edição flexível de bots ✔ Personalização com layo...
But then she began to wonder. She had seen all those vampire and werewolf movies where they could turn their lover with just a bite and she figured this might work with Ted too. But should she do it? She wanted to live with Ted throughout all of eternity, but being a zombie was als...
It won’t be long before zombie prostitutes are on every street corner. Hell, vampires would rather tear out your neck than snuggle and the closest some chick will ever get to a werewolf is when he’s shitting her out the next morning.” ...
Werewolf: The Apocalypse — Purgatory Whispering Willows Wizard with a Gun World of Outlaws: Dirt Racing 0-9 7th Sector *Availability of games vary by country/region. Please check the PlayStation Plus hub on your console to see the full list of ti...
このBOTは、TumoiYorozu様のDiscordWerewolf.ts(Discord 上で人狼ゲームを行うための GM bot)を改造して制作しています。 https://github.com/TumoiYorozu/DiscordWerewolf.ts # インストール方法 ## Discord Bot のアクセストークンの準備 以下のページから Bot の作成とトークンを入手してくださ...
Discordのボイスチャットの音声を、別のボイスチャットに転送するBOTです。 このBOTは、TumoiYorozu様のDiscordWerewolf.ts(Discord 上で人狼ゲームを行うための GM bot)を改造して制作しています。 https://github.com/TumoiYorozu/DiscordWerewolf.ts インストール方法 Discord Bot のアクセストーク...