await welcome_channel.send(welcome_message) @bot.command() async def delete_message(ctx, message_id: int): # 删除指定ID的消息 message = await ctx.fetch_message(message_id) await message.delete()'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN') 上述代码中,我们首先导入了discord和discord.ext.commands模块,并创建了...
let channelToSend; guild.channels.cache.forEach((channel) => { if( channel.type === "text" && !channelToSend && channel.permissionsFor("SEND_MESSAGES") ) channelToSend = channel; }); if(!channelToSend) return; let channelEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setColor("..."Welcome") ^TypeError: Cannot read property'send'ofundefined 谢谢你的帮助。 共3个答案 匿名用户 如果您阅读文档,则没有message参数,只有member。你必须先获得公会的频道ID。 尝试如下所示: bot.on('guildMemberAdd', member => { member.guild.channels.get('channelID').send("Welcom...
client.on('guildMemberAdd', member => { const welcomeChannel = member.guild.channels.cache.find(channel => === '欢迎频道名称'); if (welcomeChannel) { const welcomeMessage = '欢迎加入我们的服务器!请遵守服务器规则,享受愉快的聊天体验。'; welcomeChannel.send(welcomeMessage); } }...
You can change where the message goes (in the Overview section of Server Settings), but you can't control what this message says, so you might want to turn it off and create your own. 2. Create a Discord welcome channel or onboarding experience Part of the onboarding process for the ...
channel.send(embed); 这行代码将您在步骤2中构建的消息发送到您在步骤1中获取的频道。 完整代码 让我们将所有这些代码组装起来,并创建一个可重复使用的函数。 const{MessageEmbed}=require('discord.js');functionsendWelcomeMessage(member){constchannel=member.guild.channels.cache.get('CHANNEL_ID');if(!chann...
@client.event #Send new members of the server a messageasync def on_member_join(member): #Run when a member joins await member.create_dm() #Create a DM chat with the new user await member.dm_channel.send(f"Heya, {}! [ETC OF WELCOME MESSAGE]") print(f'User DM sent:\...
When a new member joins your Patreon, an active message is sent in your Discord channel. It's not only a swift way to welcome new supporters, but it also promotes interaction within your community. Save time, engage members, and create a lively environment with this streamlined ...
To take the hassle out of findingDiscord porn, nudes and the Discord NSFW server which is right for you, we've put together a handy guide for finding nudes on this new channel. If you're stuck for time, we've even put a little TL;DR at the end for you. Happy Discording!
The U.S. Army Esports’ Discord’s “welcome” chat channel currently shows a message from an admin (with the display name UwU, no less) saying “Temporarily disabled. Thanks for the fun tonight!” Image: Discord via Polygon Reached for comment, the admins for the U.S. Army Discord did...