Webhook命令Discord.js v12 Lock命令discord.js v12 使用discord.js v12取消禁止命令 Discord.js v12 Covid Stats命令 Discord.js v12赠送命令 分页帮助命令Discord.js v12 随机v12命令(discord.js Meme ) 如何使用discord.js v12创建模拟命令? discord.js v12取消禁令命令 ...
webhookq A queueing system for Discord's webhooks to avoid webhooks failing from ratelimiting. How to run If you don't have Node.js installed, install it from here Clone the repository by doing git clone https://github.com/delivey/webhookq.git Navigate to the repository's folder: cd we...
Webhook Followup / Unknown Webhook (404)bug #7220 openedOct 17, 2024byAlexFlipnote 2 Developer portal application dashboard has many accessibility issuesbugdeveloper portal #7214 openedOct 14, 2024byMinnDevelopment 1 Discord autocomplete allows bypassing developer defined values when creating/switching ch...
const hook = new Webhook({ url: "YOUR WEBHOOK URL", //If throwErrors is set to false, no errors will be thrown if there is an error sending throwErrors: false, //retryOnLimit gives you the option to not attempt to send the message again if rate limited retryOnLimit: false }); ho...
PowerShell Discord Webhook 您应该在请求中指定Content-Typeto application/json: Invoke-WebRequest -uri $uri -Method POST -Body $JSON -Headers @{'Content-Type' = 'application/json'} See: https://github.com/discord/discord-api-docs/issues/1210 ...
Webhook: Do not call client.deleteWebhook in delete (#9786) (31d914e) GuildManager#fetch: Inject shard id (#9921) (85753a9) Prevent 'undefined' debug message on intentional shard closure (#9846) (0e0b85b) Role: Calculate position correctly when rawPositions are equal (#9871) (0529b2a)...
in <module> from .webhook import Webhook File "/home/quartz_i_warrior/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/discord/webhook/__init__.py", line 12, in <module> from .async_ import * File "/home/quartz_i_warrior/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/discord/webhook/async_.py", line 46, in...
Kibana 看不到监控数据,怎么办?
const{Webhook}=require('discord-webhook-node');consthook=newWebhook({url:"YOUR WEBHOOK URL",//If throwErrors is set to false, no errors will be thrown if there is an error sendingthrowErrors:false,//retryOnLimit gives you the option to not attempt to send the message again if rate lim...
Webhook Example Bot Example Minecraft Example (Default)Note - The Discord rate limit for webhooks is 30 requests every 60 seconds, where as for bot and minecraft messages it's 5 messages every 5 seconds. Using webhooks effectively halves the number of messages the bot can send per minute ...