加入好友:当你想和朋友玩游戏的时候,可以打开 Discord,大概率会发现朋友们的头像已经在 voice channel 里,也能看到他们正在玩什么游戏。这时候你可以选择直接进入 voice channel 和大家开始聊开,也可以点击「加入游戏」和大家一起玩。持续对话:由于 voice channel 是一直工作的,你们可以在游戏前、游戏中、游戏...
Stream Overlay (2016):方便游戏主播在直播时使用 Discord。 Rich Presence (2017):显示用户正在玩什么游戏,也可以申请加入游戏、实时观战等。 第三类更新,与权限相关的能力。 因为Server 是小团体的私密空间,所以 Discord 在创建者的权限、邀请方式、Channel 管理等方面下了很多功夫。 与此同时,提供了很多工具和开放...
Stream Overlay (2016):方便游戏主播在直播时使用 Discord。 Rich Presence (2017):显示用户正在玩什么游戏,也可以申请加入游戏、实时观战等。 第三类更新,与权限相关的能力。 因为Server 是小团体的私密空间,所以 Discord 在创建者的权限、邀请方式、Channel 管理等方面下了很多功夫。 与此同时,提供了很多工具和开放...
Now you can finally go over to your Xbox console and you'll be inside Discord Voice. The audio controls are very similar to Xbox Party Chat, with Discord's Deafen thrown into the mix. You also have the option to switch to game chat at any time, as well as use the Discord overlay s...
Hello, I have a strange issue whenever I try to stream webcams in a discord voice channel: I usually capture them as simple window sources, but if the windows captured are not in overlay, the sources turn out gray... so when I open the browser or something else my streaming doesn't ...
How to join Discord voice chat on PS5 To start, select the Discord tab in Game Base within the PS5 Control Center and choose the Discord server or DM group you’d like to join. Then, select your preferred voice channel. This will reveal more details, such as who is ...
discover-overlay --rpc --undeaf Attempt to join voice channel by room ID discover-overlay --rpc --moveto=X Using a Room ID from Discord to replaceX, this will attempt to join the voice channel. Populate the channel RPC file with a list of guilds ...
Discord's customizable overlay allows you to see who’s talking in the middle of the action. You can also adjust individual volume settings, change servers and channels, or even kick people all without leaving your game.The overlay requires the Discord Windows Client and works on most games ...
or even switch between Discord and Xbox Party Chat if you need to. The audio controls will be built into the Xbox Guide just like Party Chat, and the Discord overlay is also going to be available. This is a handy way to see who's chatting at any time, useful in the heat of the ...
I use a laptop with Windows 8.1 (64bit). I open OBS Studio 26.1 and I start the virtual camera. After that, I open the Discord program (73806). Then, I go to the server, I select a voice channel, activate my webcam, and select OBS Virtual Camera. When I do that, Discord crashe...