Username username string The user's username, not unique across the platform. Discriminator discriminator string The user's 4-digit discord-tag. Avatar avatar string The user's avatar hash. Bot bot boolean Whether the user belongs to an OAuth2 application. System system boolean Whether the...
Program.SendWEBBY()方法,从Discord API返回的JSON数据中解析详细的用户信息,然后将用户名(username)、鉴别器(discriminator,通常是一个四位数),用户ID(user ID)添加到一个列表(list)中, 接着将 Discord Token 以YAML格式添加到一个list中,同时创建一个包含 Discord Token 复制链接的项,再把用户的2FA和验证状态、... implications of this information can be broken down like this: By recording your IP address, Discord can track your general location (about as precise as which county you are in). Discord can also tell which devices you use, as it unique...
DiscordChat 2.3.0 - Fixed message queue out of bounds error - Empty death messages are no longer sent to discord -... DiscordChat 2.2.4 - Player list command output is now sorted by username - Added /discord reload command -...
Username username string Override the default username of the webhook. Avatar URL avatar-url string Override the default avatar of the webhook. Returns Body Webhook Get Current User Operation ID: GetCurrentUser Returns the user object of the requestors account. Returns Body User Get Current Us...
username string プラットフォーム全体で一意ではない、ユーザーのユーザー名。 識別子 discriminator string ユーザーの 4 桁 discord-tag。 アバター avatar string ユーザーのアバターのハッシュ。 ボット bot boolean ユーザーが OAuth2 アプリケーションに属しているかどうか。 システ...
Username username string The user's username, not unique across the platform. Discriminator discriminator string The user's 4-digit discord-tag. Avatar avatar string The user's avatar hash. Bot bot boolean Whether the user belongs to an OAuth2 application. System system boolean Whether the... implications of this information can be broken down like this: By recording your IP address, Discord can track your general location (about as precise as which county you are in). Discord can also tell which devices you use, as it unique...