AniList Discord Bot 一个用于搜索AniList.co的简单Discord机器人 用法 安装 要求 节点v12.0.0或更高版本 Discord开发人员帐户 入门 克隆此仓库并运行npm install 创建名为.env的.env.example的副本 转到并创建一个应用程序 转到“启动”页面,然后单击“添加机器人” 复制为您的机器人创建的令牌,并将其粘贴到.env...
Bot机器人代码编写 代码开发部分不展开了,最终在server里面输入一张图片,并且输入 !go 之后,下面的code就会收到传输来的图片,我先将图片存储起来,然后再search图片,如果这个图片是一个nft,将会返回一个opensea的链接。 import uuid import requests import shutil from discord.ext import commands from searcher import...
A simple and easy package to create and manage Discord bots using user accounts' tokens and the Discord API discord tokens discord_bots bot discordTokens bot_creator discord_bot_creator discord_bot bot_token token jamel_syrpublished 1.0.2 • 9 months agopublished version 1.0.2, 9 months ago...
If you too are one of them, then EPIC RPG is definitely the Discord Bot for you. It is designed to attract user loyalty through the use of an in-game economy. With EPIC RPG installed, you can use commands to hunt, fight, and search for coins and loot. But the fun doesn’t stop ...
EPIC RPG– an RPG based Loyalty Bot EPIC RPG is a fun Discord bot designed to bring user loyalty through an economy. With EPIC RPG installed, you can use commands to hunt, fight, and search for coins and loot. You can also use commands to fight other players and there are regular even...
usernames prevnames discord-api username-history discord-bot discord-tools discord prevnames prevnames discord aaashh-discord •1.0.2•13 days ago•0dependents•ISCpublished version1.0.2,13 days ago0dependentslicensed under $ISC 177
然后输入并通过运行以下命令创建一个新的 Node.js 项目: 1npm init 注意:你也可以用 yarn,但为了简洁起见,我们用了 npm。...的控制面板中创建新应用程序为了与 Discord API进 行交互,我们需要一个令牌。...将你的 Discord Bot 添加到你的服务器为了测试我们的机器人
if any user in your discord server is playing that specific application, the bot will send a message in a specified channel. please modify the message as you wish on line 325. the bot will keep count of how long the user is playing the game and return the time once the user has ...
Discord BOT Dashboard V2 is made to make Discord BOT Development easy, designed to help create applications without writing a single line of code while using a user friendly Web-Dashboard! bot statistics dashboard authentication discord discordjs discord-bot discord-api discord-server discord-js di...
bot -> Administrator部署后台使用 python SDK, - Quickstart安装pip install -U'your token here')修改 token 后运行该脚本即可,机器人客户端会自动请求 Discord 服务器并保持心跳,无需配置回调地址或者放开服务端口。...'chatid'] = chat_id # 发送到指定群聊if ...