With an estimated 150 million monthly users globally, Discord’s sudden loss of access in two countries highlights the challenges that popular platforms face when navigating content regulations across different regions. The app’s wide user base spans not only gamers but also communities built a...
As I suspected, this was a scam. I know this because I know that legitimate NFT metaverse projects do not direct message users via Discord. (I have seen similar messages before, borrowing the names of projects such as Cryptoland, Decentraland, and Somnium Space, to the point whereI recentl...
A Discord message requires either a user_id or a channel_id. In order to reach as many innocent civilians as possible, as quickly as possible, we will directly send messages in a channel. This is what the send and delay steps would look like: { "action": "send", "message": { "...
Another popular group is the Fantasy Football Chat server, with nearly 10,000 members. Its moderators have developed specific bots to boost user experience 一 for instance, bots recognize when server members mention specific players, and will pull up the playerrs most recent stats or NFL contract...
During recent decades the nature of entanglement has been the subject of an ever-increasing number of studies, not only because of its intriguing nature related to Bell inequality violations, but also because of its formerly unsuspected complexity, in particular concerning quantum mixtures [20]. ...