Custom Themes BetterDiscord comes with a theme loader for loading your own or downloading themes made by others.Plugins BetterDiscord comes with a JavaScript plugin loader for loading your own or downloading plugins made by others.Spoilers Add spoilers to your chat, simply add [!s] to your ...
GameZen.plugin.js The code is for a BetterDiscord plugin called GameZen. It automatically activates Do Not Disturb mode when a game is launched, and updates the user status accordingly. 🚀 Getting Started ✔️ Prerequisites Make sure you have BetterDiscord installed. If not, you can downloa...
C:\Users\”username”\AppData\Roaming\BetterDiscord Once you locate the file, move the file to a different location or delete it. Restart Better Discord to check whether the problem’s been solved. If not, restore the file to the Better Discord folder. 6. Reinstall BetterDiscord If none of...
If generic emojis stop working in the future (incorrectly treated as if they're discord-custom ones), due to renames or new additions, that script can be used to update the list of them easily. Gateway websocket can use zlib compression (and zstd in non-browser apps), which makes inspect...
TODO update instructions using this webpage: ### [BetterDiscord]( 1. Download [Catppuccin.theme.css]( 2. Copy the downloaded fi...
BetterDiscord (BandagedBD) is already installed (modified version). You can go into your settings to manage plugins. Because it's more painful than anything else, global emotes are not supported on Lightcord. They have been removed. The freeze caused by the emotes downloading at startup was an...