BotsDiscord Autorole BotsDiscord Verification BotsDiscord Turkish BotsDiscord Brazilian BotsDiscord Roblox BotsDiscord Among Us BotsDiscord Fall Guys BotsDiscord Reaction Roles BotsDiscord League of Legends BotsDiscord Pokémon BotsDiscord Giveaway BotsDiscord Twitch BotsDiscord YouTube BotsDiscord Genshin ...
One of the best ways to let people know that you are Live on Twitch is to message them where they hang out, most importantly, your Discord community. But why send them manually when you can automate the process. There are multiple ways to connect Twitch and Discord to send notifications t...
-`DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=your_discord_bot_token`-`TWITCH_CLIENT_ID=your_twitch_client_id`-`TWITCH_TOKEN_ID=your_twitch_token_id`-`DISCORD_SECRET_ID=your_discord_oauth2_secret_id`-`DISCORD_CLIENT_ID=your_discord_client_id`-`LOG_CHANNEL_ID=your_log_channel_id`-`CHECK_INTERVAL=your_check_inter..."<discord token>") 我希望机器人每 10 秒运行一次以下代码,例如: status = client.streams.get_stream_by_user(<channel id>)ifstatus == None:print("Not live") livestat = twitchinfo.display_name+"is not live"else: livestat = twitchinfo.display_name+" is "+ status.stream_type 我...
Announce in a channel with a preview image & assign a role to members when they go live on Twitch. Reddit Posts Subscribe to new posts from your favourite Subreddit. Make sure your members are kept up to date with the latest posts!
在discord.js中获得twitch流预览,可以通过以下步骤实现: 首先,你需要在Twitch开发者门户(上创建一个应用程序,并获取到你的客户端ID和客户端密钥。这些凭证将用于与Twitch API进行通信。 在discord.js中,你可以使用axios或node-fetch等HTTP请求库来发送GET请求到Twitch API的
This bot is a great option for playing music and making playlists so that your songs can go on without being interrupted. It supports YouTube, SoundCloud, Bandcamp, direct links, twitch, etc. One can easily get the songs they want to play by typing its name and this bot will search it...
as well as twitch among others. Not only this, but this Discord also allows support playlists that allows you to listen to music without interruption. In addition to this cool feature, this Discord also has search functionality that allows one to search songs they want to listen to by their...
如今,Discord 平台单个日活跃用户(DAU)与平台的平均互动时长,是游戏直播平台 Twitch 的两倍,也是 ...
2. Vexera – Best Soundcloud Discord Bot Vexera offers support for multiple sources, including YouTube, Soundcloud, Twitch, Vimeo, Mixer, Bandcamp, and Spotify. What differentiates Vexera from the other bots on this list are its moderation features that will allow you to easily kick, ban, or...