Add memes from various meme generators to keep your chat active and fun! There are countless other possibilities for bots, but most of them depend on the bot itself. Why not explore the endless possibilities by browsing through our website?
6)clips/切片:若有切片可以在这里上传;twitch也有对直播进行切片的功能,切完之后可以直接把链接发到这里。 Pronouns/称呼频道 频道列表(订阅者) Twitch Sub Hall/订阅者大厅 1)sub-chat/订阅者聊天频道:这里是订阅者可以文字聊天的地方 2)no-mic/没麦频道:这里是给在底下语音聊天房间里没麦的订阅者打字的地方 3...
Discord支持开源的Chat bot,Chatbot也是现在做聊天比较火爆的一个话题。提供用户更好地引导和便利。Discord...
This bot is a great option for playing music and making playlists so that your songs can go on without being interrupted. It supports YouTube, SoundCloud, Bandcamp, direct links, twitch, etc. One can easily get the songs they want to play by typing its name and this bot will search it ...
2018年2月扩展包括电子竞技团队和经Spotify验证的音乐艺术家。此外,该服务为游戏玩家提供了一套丰富的应用程序编程接口(API),这些API可以集成到其他游戏、社交服务(如Slack和Twitch)。 2. 强大的机器人生态 机器人(Bot)在Discord上无处不在,提供范围广泛的服务,类似于小插件,具有的功能包括调节频道、与用户玩游戏、...
!say text -> Make the bot say text, useful mostly in combination with alias. !alias -> Create custom shorthand commands in Discord! !invite -> Generates an invite link for the Bot to join the requested server, easy way to get the bot in multiple servers. !twitch -> pulls info on a...
Discord 平台上单个日活跃用户(DAU)与平台的平均互动时长,是游戏直播平台 Twitch 的两倍,同时还是 Facebook Gaming、TikTok、Reddit 以及 Snap 等头部社交平台的两倍以上。 但是,即便在如此惊人的增长之后,Discord 似乎并没有太多商业化的动作。2020 年,Discord 的每用户平均收入 (ARPU) 仅为 1.30 美元,在公共社交...
enableEmoticons Boolean Whether emoticons should be synced for this integration (twitch only currently) DiscordBot.syncGuildIntegration Sync an integration. FieldTypeDescription accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord guildId Number Id of the guild integrationId Number Id of...
reportsfrom the members. If the member exceeds the penalty limit, he’ll get banned from the Server. MEE6 also sends notifications out to the members when a streamer goes online, whether it be YouTube, Twitch, or Reddit too. It is one of the best Discord Bots to have in your Server....
Freadboat’s highlight is the fact that it can play high-quality music. It supports YouTube, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, direct links, Twitch, and more. Playlist creation is also available here so you canplay songs continuouslywithout any pause in between. It’s a secure open-source bot, but it...