git clone Navigate to the project directory: cd discord-tts-bot Install the required dependencies: npm install Update the BOT_TOKEN in the code with your Discord bot token. Run the bot: node index.js Commands 🛠️ /join - Makes the bot join...
A Text-to-Speech bot for Discord. Contribute to hichay/discord-tts-bot development by creating an account on GitHub.
import discord from discord.ext import commands bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!') 安装音频处理库FFmpeg和音频解码库libopus。 代码语言:txt 复制 # 安装FFmpeg # Windows用户可以从 下载预编译的二进制文件,并将其添加到系统路径中 # Linux用户可以...
Discord Bot Commands Each bot has its own commands and can be viewed by typing theslash (/) key. There’s also theDiscord Custom Commandsbot, which can create as many custom commands as you want. If you want to know the commands for a certain bot, go to itshomepageand look for comman...
import discord from discord.ext import commands 创建一个Bot实例: 代码语言:txt 复制 bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!') 使用@bot.command()装饰器创建一个命令函数,用于赋予语音通道的所有权限: 代码语言:txt 复制 @bot.command() async def grant_all_permissions(ctx, channel: discord.VoiceChannel...
Now that your Dyno bot is set up, here are some handy commands to use with it: ?ban [user] [limit] [reason]:This command lets moderators ban users from the server. Optionally, you can set the ban to expire after a certain time limit. They will receive a message with whatever you ...
Bot in Discord with discord.js (4) Chapter 5 - 交互:对斜杠命令回复的那些事儿(1) 斜杠命令是交互的一种。 我们在 Chapter 2 的commands/ping.js里已经完成了一项斜杠命令的建立: const{SlashCommandBuilder}=require('discord.js');module.exports={data:newSlashCommandBuilder().setName('ping').setDes...
) # Add more custom commands or logic here # Run the bot 并且在输出上它也显示已登录,但最后我无法解决我的问题。我以为只要重置我的令牌就可以了,但事实并非如此,我认为这是设置我的discord机器人的错误,因为yt我得到的所有教程都是 1 到 2 年前的,而且discord开发者门户已经更新。
我如何获得频道的名称,以便该机器人可以在其安装的任何服务器上运行而无需更改代码? (在我放置“我在这里放置什么”的代码中,我希望名称位于变量中)谢谢 from discord.ext.commands import Bot import time, asyncio TOKEN = 'Its a secret' BOT_PREFIX = ["!"] client = Bot(command_prefix=BOT_PREFIX) @...
SpikeyBot for Discord by SpikeyRobot 15,147 servers at peak SpikeyBot is a Bot for Discord that has grown to become a sort of all-in-one bot. Admin commands, raid protection, random stuff, and even a Hunger Games simulator that includes people on the server. The bot is still being wor...