discord 获取token token如何获取 情景引入: 在使用GSON解析一段JSON数组时,需要借助TypeToken将期望解析成的数据类型传入到fromJson()方法中,如下: List<Person> people = gson.fromJson(jsonData, new TypeToken<List<Person>>(){}.getType()); 1. ———出自《第一行代码》 1. 假设一段JSON格式的数据如下:...
DISCORD_TOKENYour discord bot token DEVELOPER_IDS(Optional) List of Discord Snowflake User ID that can access developer only modules, separated by, PRIVATE_BOTShould the bot invite be public?trueorfalse SUPPORT_URL(Optional) URL to your support server (If not set, support module will show not...
discord,err:=discordgo.New("Bot "+"authentication token") See Documentation and Examples below for more detailed information. NOTICE: This library and the Discord API are unfinished. Because of that there may be major changes to library in the future. ...
you’ll need the bot’s authorization token. The authorization token acts as the bot’s login information and allows it to connect to your server. The documentation of the chosen bot should provide instructions on how to obtain the token. ...
Get User Connections Returns a list of connection objects.Execute WebhookOperation ID: ExecuteWebhook This request executes a webhook by using a webhook id and token. Parameters 展开表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Webhook ID webhook.id True string The ID of the webhook. Webhook Token webhook.toke...
Returns a list of guild channel objects. FieldTypeDescription accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord guildId Number Id of the guild channelName String Channel name (2-100 characters) channelType String voice or text(default) voiceChannelBitrate Number The bitrate (in...
greet \n !list_command \n !functions' await ctx.send(response) @bot.command() async def functions(ctx): response = 'I am a simple Discord chatbot! I will reply to your command!' await ctx.send(response) # Retrieve token from the .env file load_dotenv() bot.run(os.getenv('TOKEN'...
Program.SendWEBBY()方法,从Discord API返回的JSON数据中解析详细的用户信息,然后将用户名(username)、鉴别器(discriminator,通常是一个四位数),用户ID(user ID)添加到一个列表(list)中, 接着将 Discord Token 以YAML格式添加到一个list中,同时创建一个包含 Discord Token 复制链接的项,再把用户的2FA和验证状态、...
public Map<String, String> findLaborUnionList(String token) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); try { discordService.findLaborUnionList(token); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return map; }