This is the Discord DM Bot project , To receive and send messages from the bot to users , Every message given to the bot is sent to the specific channel of that message and the sending user , and respond to users' messages on behalf of the robot or send predefined responses to them ...
Discord-DM-All-Bot Installation Here is the list of requements: colored How to use Run the file it will first ask you for a discord bot token here it is very important in the discord dev portal to check on member indents or the bot will not work properbly Second...
可以使用bot.command装饰器来定义命令:@bot.command() async def send_dm(ctx, user_id: int, message: str): user = bot.get_user(user_id) if user is not None: await user.send(message) await ctx.send("Direct message sent successfully!") else: await ctx.send("User not found!") 运行机...
你可以检查channel.type并忽略任何不是DM的东西。您可以在discord.js v14中使用ChannelType.DM枚举。
适合Discord 的 10 个开源机器人 Discord 最初是一个专门针对游戏玩家开发的 VoIP 和即时通讯社交平台,在 Discord 中,用户可以创建机器人,通过机器人来协助你自动化完成一些事情,或为你的服务器增添色彩。但它们中的大多数都是专有的。因此,我们整理了一些值得尝试的
编写一个命令函数,用于发送DM给多个用户: 代码语言:txt 复制 @bot.command() async def send_dm(ctx, *users: discord.User): for user in users: await user.send("这是一条DM消息!") 运行Bot: 代码语言:txt 复制'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN') 确保将YOUR_BOT_TOKEN替换为您的Discord机器人的令牌。
@pudgypenguin_EN@chaddyb99 @pudgypenguins Unfortunately there’s no ticket tool on Discord. Do you have any issues? 2024-12-18 09:46:25 @kamaitachi_x@chilla1_ @Jessicalevi13 Had this issue with discord for linking your discord first join their server separately then go back to mitosis sit...
@client.event async def on_message(message): # we do not want the bot to reply to itself if == client.user: return # can be cached... me = await client.get_user_info('MY_SNOWFLAKE_ID') await client.send_message(me, "Hello!") 原文由 greut 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY...
Step 6. 🚀 Run the bot python You may need to run as admin if you are on Windows Step 7. 🔗 Invite the bot You can Invite your bot using the link in console There are 2 ways to talk to the AI Invite your bot and DM (Direct Message) it | ⚠️ Make sure you ...
/* bot.gateway.ts */ import { Injectable, Logger } from '@nestjs/common'; import { Once, InjectDiscordClient } from '@discord-nestjs/core'; import { Client } from 'discord.js'; @Injectable() export class BotGateway { private readonly logger = new Logger(; constructor...