I've not even been able to use this service!I tried setting up an account, was asked to log in after verifying my email address but when I tried I was told my account was disabled for logging in too many times.I've tried to contact Discord and submitted support requests but it's be...
Check to see if Discord starts working properly while in-game!
Meanwhile Error 405 usually happens when you try to do something that can't be done normally on discord, based on how the program works, this might arise if your tokens get locked/ disabled. Error 401 stands for "Unauthorized" and may mean that your token is invalid/locked. You may also...
Whether this affects just Discord or every app depends on the specific nature of the disabled permission. Corrupted installation. You can guess if a Discord installation is corrupt if it starts giving random errors and glitches that others aren’t getting. This cannot be ruled out as the cause...
{ "gen_enab_up": "Enabled", "gen_disa_up": "Disabled", "gen_hours_text": "hour(s)", ... "warn_server_not_running": "Server is not running.", "warn_bot_conf_not_done": "Bot configuration haven't done yet.", ... } ...
When initially diagnosing this issue I disabled EXPO, and it didn't make a difference to the Checkerboarding, it happened whether I ran my Kit at JEDEC or at the Included Expo Profile.) I have a total of 3 Displays Connected to my Rig. It only happens on my Main Display, which is ...
In To Where and Back Again - Part 1, Discord teams up with Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, and Thorax to save their friends - particularly Fluttershy - when they are captured by changelings. In Part 2, Discord's magic is disabled in the Changeling Kingdom due to the properties of Queen Chrys...
and v14 will likely be even better, to the point where discord.js-light probably wont be useful anymore. For now v4 will still be maintained and will still keep up with discord.js's v13 development as needed, but this adventure might reach a conclusion soon. So long and thanks for all...
(self, button, interaction: discord.Interaction): for items in self.children: items.disabled = True await interaction.response.edit_message(view=self) self.stop() @discord.ui.button(emoji='❔', style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary) async def about_callback(self, button, interaction: discord....
Some products may fully integrate all capabilities, but the more-tedious options, such as scanning within archives, may be disabled by default. Other options may be prone to “false positives” (saying something is bad when it really isn’t), so those heuristic rules may also be “off...