discord-notification-channel:Laravel不和谐通知频道! :speech_balloon::left_speech_bubble:Le**he 上传 Laravel不和谐通知频道 介绍 通过Laravel通知通道通过Webhook发送带有Discord或Slack有效负载的Discord消息 特征 通过使用new (new SlackMessage)或$this->toSlack($notifiable) new (new SlackMessage)支持松弛有效...
Falling for the bait, Rainbow takes her wings back, flies out of the labyrinth, and breaks Discord's "no flying and no magic" rule. Discord, having "won", destroys the labyrinth and proclaims that they "might be due for a big old storm of chaos". ...
Will Xiao ever support Slash Commands? Most likely, no. Many of the commands in Xiao were written with the message content intent in mind, and given her status as a private bot I see no reason to change that. Plus, kitchen-sink bots reallydon'twork with Slash Commands, they just clog ...
A transparent version of your discord logo is provided when you download in a PNG format. Even if you've chosen a solid background for your discord logo, we'll provided a version of your logo with a transparent background for your convenience - perfect for use on your website. ...
meme-gen-classic: Sends a meme with the text and background of your choice. meme-gen-modern: Sends a meme with the text and image of your choice. metamorphosis: Sends a "My Metamorphosis Begins" meme with the image and text of your choice. my-collection-grows: Sends a "My collection ...
meme-gen-classic: Sends a meme with the text and background of your choice. meme-gen-modern: Sends a meme with the text and image of your choice. my-collection-grows: Sends a "My collection grows richer" Nekopara meme with the text of your choice. new-password: Sends a "Weak Passwor...