Can I use part of Xiao's code (i.e. a command) in my bot? I don't really care, but please give credit in some form if you do so. You'll also be subject, and I won't provide you with any support if it doesn't work. Can I host Xiao myself? If you want, ...
LN cover generator light-novel-cover (API) LN title generator light-novel-title (API) Lorem Picsum lorem-picsum (API) LoveToKnow horse-race (Horse Name Data) LowGif fire (Images) LuckyAquapura metamorphosis (Concept) Luxoflux gun (Image) Mad Libs mad-libs (Original Game) Mad:...
The Newspaper Clipping Generator newspaper (API) The Onion the-onion (RSS Feed) TheCatAPI cat (API) This Artwork Does Not Exist ai-artwork (API) This Cat Does Not Exist ai-cat (API) This Fursona Does Not Exist ai-fursona (API) This Horse Does Not Exist ai-horse (API) Thi...