discord-slash-commands-bot Discord服务器的强大命令处理功能! :clipboard: 设置项目 从创建一个新的应用程序并构建一个机器人。 然后将bot从auth部分添加到服务器。 授予Discord bot权限(用于负载斜线命令) https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&scope=applications.commands 。
我也认为@user16 16…方法更简单,但是当您使用SlashCommandBuilder时,您不需要在定义时使用builders子...
Description For many database-driven or computationally heavy slash commands, the documentation recommends we use DEFERRED_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_WITH_SOURCE to acknowledge the command until we can respond. The problem with this is that being a...
1.定义discord.Client和commands.Bot 你应该只使用一个,为了我下面的例子的目的,我将使用commands.bot。
(discord-php)discord Bot开发的slash commands怎么进行压测? 关注问题写回答 登录/注册Slash (discord-php)discord Bot开发的slash commands怎么进行压测?$this-> discord->on('INTERACTION_CREATE', function (Interaction $interactio…显示全部
A template for making your own discord bot with slash commands. If you require help either DM Starlinkboy#0159 on discord or mail Starlinkboy at starlinkboy@starlinkboy.cf. We recommend you to use StarlinkHosting as a provider. Start Open Secrets Put the key of the secret as "token" with...
Stopped working, bot now uses @ mentions for bot commands. Will likely change to Slash Commands / later. p!location Set your timezone for day/night related things p!silence Silence your level up messages p!serversilence Silence level ups server-wide p!configuration Checks various settings...
Ourplanis to keep the functionality — the core usability — free. So everything you’re using right now will stay free. Voice, text, mobile, all stay free. Almost all the new features will be free. Deep integrations and overlays and slash commands and bots — all free. ...
Anyone may enter a room and speak or use slash commands (with permission). Members of the server can join one of Discord's voice channels to communicate with one another while wearing a headset.You could, for instance, set up a server for your gaming friends and then make voice chat ...