Discord Slash Commands Bot A template for making your own discord bot with slash commands. If you require help either DM Starlinkboy#0159 on discord or mail Starlinkboy at starlinkboy@starlinkboy.cf. We recommend you to use StarlinkHosting as a provider. Start Open Secrets Put the key of ...
我们在 Chapter 2 的commands/ping.js里已经完成了一项斜杠命令的建立: const{SlashCommandBuilder}=require('discord.js');module.exports={data:newSlashCommandBuilder().setName('ping').setDescription('Replies with Pong!'),asyncexecute(interaction){awaitinteraction.reply("Pong!");},}; 代码建立了一项命...
/* bot-slash-commands.module.ts */ import { DiscordModule } from '@discord-nestjs/core'; import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; import { InjectDynamicProviders } from 'nestjs-dynamic-providers'; @InjectDynamicProviders('**/*.command.js') @Module({}) export class BotSlashCommandsModu...
Sync loaded commands to Discord from slash-create Load commands from a folder Command throttling/cooldowns Quickstart If you want an easy start on getting slash commands on your bot, you can use slash-up to create a project using a template. npx slash-up init After creating a project, you...
Ser Aymeric is a professional, feature-rich & heavily customisable Discord bot packed with features! Moderation, reaction roles, custom commands, music, server stats & analytics, level-up system & ranks with rewards, streaming, twitter and reddit feeds,
Discordpy Slash命令在重新启动bot后不要更新 、、、 我遇到了一个问题,在重新启动bot之后,斜杠命令不会更新,它将保留我首先创建的命令,这是我的简单代码:from discord.ext import commands bot.add_cog(Slash(bot))但是,当我输入不一致来运行命令时,它只显示了我以前做过的测试: 浏览18提问于2022-05-02得...
我也认为@user16 16…方法更简单,但是当您使用SlashCommandBuilder时,您不需要在定义时使用builders子...
Makes for a great message logging bot, welcome & goodbye messages and about anything else relying on events Slash Commands, Right-Click User Commands (User Apps) & Right-Click Message Commands (Message Apps) Image Manipulation Music (YouTube, Direct File Hosting, Local MP3) QuickDB (Local) Li...
Many users have also complained that the Mudae Bot is not responding to slash commands. Fix: Since Slash Commands are relatively a new feature introduced by the Mudae Bot. Hence, you have to enable them in the ‘Permissions’ area under the ‘Edit Channel’ option. Additionally, be wary ...
commands/modals/modal.js const{ActionRowBuilder,ModalBuilder,SlashCommandBuilder,TextInputBuilder,TextInputStyle}=require('discord.js');module.exports={data:newSlashCommandBuilder().setName('modal').setDescription('Replies with a pop-up form!'),asyncexecute(interaction){constmodal=newModalBuilder().se...