Pycord -转换为Slash命令 、、、 我试图将此工作代码转换为斜杠命令--但它不起作用importdiscordfromdiscordimport@bot.command() embedanime =discord.Embed", color=0x774d 浏览12提问于2022-10-03得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 使用python的不和谐斜杠命令 ...
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> <style> body...
设置Bot的权限,确保它具有执行必要操作的权限,例如发送消息、读取消息历史记录等。 4.创建Slash Commands 转到“Interactions”选项卡,点击“Add Command”,选择“Chat Input ( Slash Command )”。输入命令名称和描述。定义交互参数,这些参数将成为您游戏中可使用的命令。 5.编写代码 根据所选编程语言,编写处理交互事...
Python 3.6+ Does not speak over the discord gateway.discord-py-slash-command is what you are looking for.. You will need a server to accept connections directly from discord! Help is wanted in mantaining this library. Please try to direct PRs to thedevbranch, and use black formatting (if...
When trying to run a slash command. another error occurs: Ignoring exception in on_interaction Traceback (most recent call last): File "/bot-directory/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/discord/", line 738, in process_application_commands command = self._application_commands[interaction.dat...
Install the python-venv package for virtual environment support: sudo pacman -Sy python python-venv Create a virtual environment using the command: python -m venv .venv Activate the created virtual environment using the command: source .venv/bin/Activate Install the dependencies in your virtual env...
在简单对比了 discord.js (JavaScript),discordgo (Go), (Python),Discord4J (Java),JDA (Java) 和 D++ (C++) 等项目后,我选择了discord.js。 为什么选择了discord.js 呢?因为它: 面向对象 快速高效 功能丰富 灵活 100% 基于 Promise ...
您的命令应该将ctx: discord.ApplicationContext作为参数,而不是self。在一个cog中添加self,这看起来不...
您的命令应该将ctx: discord.ApplicationContext作为参数,而不是self。在一个cog中添加self,这看起来不...