创建一个Discord客户端实例和一个SlashCommand实例: 定义一个斜杠命令处理函数,并使用@slash.slash装饰器将其注册为斜杠命令: 定义一个斜杠命令处理函数,并使用@slash.slash装饰器将其注册为斜杠命令: 在上面的代码中,command_name是斜杠命令的名称,description是斜杠命令的描述。command_function是处理斜杠命令的函数,ctx...
Dto} from './registration.dto'; @Command({ name: 'reg', description: 'User registration', }) @Injectable() export class BaseInfoCommand { @Handler() onRegistration(@InteractionEvent(SlashCommandPipe) options: RegistrationDto): string { return `User was registered with name: ${options....
Description Allow slash commands to be only executed when a user has specific permissions in the channel they're using the command in. These permissions can be set individually for each slash command, allowing moderator only slash comman...
However, the short-term solution to this problem is that you can use the command “$togglereact 2” to enable heart reactions. The only catch is that it has 7 base rolls per hour. Problem #3 Many users have also complained that the Mudae Bot is not responding to slash commands. Fix:...
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> <style> body...
Create and sync Discord slash commands. Features Multiple server support (Express, Fastify, etc.) Hook into an existing Discord bot client Sync loaded commands to Discord from slash-create Load commands from a folder Command throttling/cooldowns Quickstart If you want an easy start on getting slash...
1.定义discord.Client和commands.Bot 你应该只使用一个,为了我下面的例子的目的,我将使用commands.bot...
Here is an example command file: exportdefaultnewSlashCommand<{}>({name:"foo",description:"bar",options:[{name:"foo",description:"bar",type:ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,},],},async(interaction,app)=>{interaction.reply("Hi.");},); ...
Now add the following line of code to your command-handling function: discord-bot/index.js ...client.on("messageCreate",function(message){if(message.author.bot)return;});... Copy This line checks if the author of the message is a bot, and if so, stops processing the command. This is...