注意:如果这边报错ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘xxx’: Read-only file system 是正常的,因为第一节课已经链接过一次了,而多次链接就会显示无写入权限的问题 1.3 下载安装茴香豆 安装茴香豆运行所需依赖。 # 安装 python 依赖 # pip install -r requirements.txt pip install protobuf==4.25.3 accelerat...
终端执行pod setup pod update 报错 -- [!] Failed to connect to GitHub to update the CocoaPods/Specs specs repo - Please check if you are offline, or that GitHub is down1. 如果你的Ruby运行环境大于2.0.0的话可以升级cocoap discord更新失败循环 rvm Ruby ruby 转载 数据侠客行 6月前 1115阅...
Setup the same hardware, start discord, enter a voice call. Launch the game through Xbox Game Pass Wait on the home screen or enter a match and the audio glitch will eventually occur. What happens when the bug occurs? Audio static, then no audio from the computer at all for 5-10 se...
setupLogWorking = false }() logPath := filepath.Join(*LogDir, fmt.Sprintf("log-%s.log", time.Now().Format("20060102"))) fd, err := os.OpenFile(logPath, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644) if err != nil { log.Fatal("failed to open log file") } gin.DefaultWriter...
A multifunction Discord bot. Contribute to PaPiix/Red-DiscordBot development by creating an account on GitHub.
D3D11 is used on most Windows computers by default. Using the OpenGL driver as the graphics backend may result in higher performance in some graphics-heavy applications, particularly on NVIDIA GPUs. It can increase battery and memory usage...
You are using the Setup file as administrator. Ensure these factors, and you can resolve the Discord installation has failed issue completely. With that, we have reached the end of this post. If you have any doubts about the processes shared, please comment below. Let other users know which...
Click on the “Download” button. The website should automatically detect your operating system (Windows) and provide you with the appropriate download link. Once the download is complete, locate the setup file and run it. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Discord on your PC. ...
Alternatively, it is possible that your Windows 11’s drivers are out of date and need to be updated. While trying to install Discord, many customers have complained that they receive an error message stating thatInstallation has failed.
Installation has failed There was an error while installing the application. Check the setup log tor more information and contact the author. The following are the most likely culprits of this error; Corrupt/abundant local data. Antivirus software interference. ...