Discord is the new kid on the social media block. If you've never heard of it before Discord is a series of servers which function something like a chatroom. It works like Reddit, but instead of subreddits and forums, users are able to talk in real time with friends and strangers all...
CORSAK 18 members CORSAK is a server dedicated to the Chinese artist and producer under the label Liquid State. It's a server to share and talk everything about our Fox King! 🦊👑 View Join 1 2 3 FAQ What are Discord servers? Discord is a website and mobile app that provides...
Find Public Discord Servers to join, chat in, or list your Discord Server. Explore unique and useful resources for all your Discord needs.
Top Nitro Discord servers are “Social Heaven”, “Nitro Emojis”, “E-Girlz”, “Ceo-egirls-social-icons-nitro”, “EarnNitro.com | Get Nitro by Playing Games”, and many more. These Discord servers help to enjoy the Nitro features. This post demonstrated the top Nitro Discord servers....
phone-book: Looks up phone-enabled servers. phone-info: Gives information on the current phone call. phone: Starts a phone call with a random server. Other: cleverbot: Talk to Cleverbot. (Owner-Only) dating: Find the person of your dreams with this dating system! portal-send: Send a mes...
phone-book: Looks up phone-enabled servers. phone-info: Gives information on the current phone call. phone: Starts a phone call with a random server. Other: cleverbot: Talk to Cleverbot. (Owner-Only) dating: Find the person of your dreams with this dating system! portal-send: Send a mes...
“As time passed, a lot of you realized, and vocalized, that you simply wanted a place designed to hang out and talk in the comfort of your own communities and friends.” Discord will have a new streamlined functionality with the introduction of pre-made templates for new servers. Recently...