Find the new, best Discord Servers to join, with over 35,000 tagged for easy search, with stats, plus links to join and upvote, checked December 2024
Apex Legends is a great game that continues growing in popularity day by day. Discord servers are an excellent way to connect with other players and share content, so if you’re looking for the best Apex Legends Discord server today or even this month, make sure to check out these five o...
View moreDiscord Servers Find the best Discord Bots We created Discord Bot List to help users find the very best Discord bots. Whether you're looking for a moderation bot, music bot, or just a bot to supply your server with fresh memes, finding one couldn't be easier! Check out our li...
All about the official ProSettings Discord server and all of its related Discord servers. ProSettings Fortnite Discord, ProSettings scrims, and Pro Settings Discord.
Again, if you have any recommendations or want to advertise your own scrim/solo snipe Discord, please leave a comment on this page. We will also try to find more good servers to add in the future. If you want to improve your skills before heading into one of the scrim servers, check ...
Discord's response is that they collect data in case the User will allow usage down the line. Well, they already have your data, and it's sitting on their servers. Are they being privacy-conscious enough to wait for your permission to use it? Extremely unlikely. ...
', 'admin_role': 'polladmin', 'user_role': 'polluser'}},# upsert=True# )# except:# print("Problem verifying servers.")# cache prefixesbot.pre = {entry['_id']: entry.get('prefix','pm!')asyncforentryinbot.db.config.find({}, {'_id','prefix'})}awaitbot.change_presence(...
Gaming communities use Discord to talk with each other on Discord servers. In Apex Legends, there are multiple Discord servers that you can join to get help from other players. Let's look at the Top 6 Apex Legend Discord Servers and find one perfect for