How can you find your favorite Discord servers? The platform provides an easy-to-use feature for this purpose. Know that only community servers are accessible through this tool; private servers created with your friends cannot be joined using this method. To get started: Advertisement Open the D...
The process to install Discord on Linux is a bit more complicated than it is for mobile devices, Windows, or Apple computers. The more common Windows or Apple (Mac) operating systems often use a graphical interface for software installation. Linux-based computers oftentimes require the use of t...
Individual users can pay for Nitro and unlock a few goodies, like more custom emoji and bigger upload sizes. Individual users can also opt to give boosts to servers, which unlocks more emoji slots and animated server icons. It's very much on community members to donate these perks, if ...
When it comes tolevel_up_channel_ids, you can set a designated channel for each server. If you don't set a level up channel ID for a specific server, the level up message will be sent in the channel where the member leveled up. You don't have to specify a level up channel ID fo...
Each server has a unique purpose. You might want to join one focused around a specific game or one for a gaming tournament. Streamers and YouTubers also have dedicated fan servers, or you can make a server simply to chat with friends. Discord's many functionalities can fulfill various diffe...
Investigating - We're investigating issues with some servers becoming unavailable. Dec 12, 16:22 PST Dec 11, 2024 No incidents reported. Dec 10, 2024 No incidents reported. Dec 9, 2024 No incidents reported. Dec 8, 2024 No incidents reported. Dec 7, 2024 No incidents reported. Dec 6,...
It is designed for gaming and great for just chilling with friends or building a community. Customize your own space and gather your friends to talk while playing your favorite games, or just hang out. Discord lets friends chat via voice, video, or text, and join servers where large ...
If any number in this dict are over the levels/XP threshold, it is implicitly set back to this libraries maximum value, using (str) What structure your leveling system used. Besides that, it will also make the text channels colorful. One of the aesthetics of being in Discord servers are ...
Viewing member list in servers (2) Viewing pinned messages in server Embeds (6) Showing profile pictures in DM listUnimplemented but plannedFriends list Viewing member list in group messages and DMs Dark mode on modern systems (3) Using an asynchronous HTTP library (4) Entering voice channels ...
You can get server boosts without nitro, but if you want to do multiple boosts because you have multiple servers, then Nitro provides you with a good discount. If you wanted to use Discord as your team's main source of communication and planned to have a number of servers for your ...