Discover Discord servers and communities! Join servers based on your interests. Find your perfect server today!
In this compilation, we've gotten you a list of 60 Discord servers or communities which are book related, that go into various topics such as reading, writing, getting feedback, reading clubs, fan clubs of certain titles or genres and many more. With bot
Have you discovered Disord but want to cut through the noise? Check these best Discord servers for business, gaming, and finding friends.
It’s especially popular with gamers, teens, students, and even tech teams. Discord is a common choice among small businesses and startups. They use the discord servers for building both public and private (invite only) communities. The servers in Discord are communities (they’re not ...
discord has a client-server architecture that allows for fast and secure messages between connected clients. the servers act as channels where you can join to talk or play games. you can join public servers or create private ones just for your group of friends or colleagues. from there you ...
In recent years, Discord has also become a popular platform for businesses and organizations. The platform offers a range of tools and features that make it ideal for remote teams to communicate and collaborate. Businesses can create private servers for their employees, host meetings and conferences...
Guilded, on the other hand, provides most, if not all, of them for free, often even more than Discord. On the other hand, owners of servers may limit a few services so that they can charge a fee to remove them. Because Guilded gives server owners so many options, it may be consid...
All accounts that are disabled for being under 13 should be reactivated and marked as “Under 13“. Parent would need to make an account to give an approval or varify that the child is already over 13. This would make their accounts normal accounts. ...
If any number in this dict are over the levels/XP threshold, it is implicitly set back to this libraries maximum value, using (str) What structure your leveling system used. Besides that, it will also make the text channels colorful. One of the aesthetics of being in Discord servers are ...
However, the average age of Discord users has been dropping recently, so some Servers are 18+ in order to avoid very young users. There is an entire Student component of Discord, where high-school and college students can join study group servers to support them during finals or just to ...