The mentioned Discord servers have a large group of members for you to make a friend out of them so have a look and enhance your social circle. Is Discord a good place to make friends? You can make quite a lot of friends and meet great people from all over the world on Discord. It...
9 Best Discord Servers for Making Friends
Have you discovered Disord but want to cut through the noise? Check these best Discord servers for business, gaming, and finding friends.
All-in-one voice and text chat for gamers that’s free, secure, and works on both your desktop and phone.Discord is perfect for gaming, relaxing with friends, or creating a global community. Personalize your space to chat, play, and connect with others.Stop paying for TeamSpeak servers ...
★ ★ - Find Discord Servers easily and connect to other people ♥ or just advertise your Server here and get more members ✔ We also provide interesting activity statistics about your server.
Goodreads– We are a safe and inclusive environment to share and talk with other readers. We are dedicated to bringing fun monthly events that will get you reading and making friends! Safe for all ages (with an 18+ area), A chill and easy-going community, Many fun and organized rooms, ...
Suite 7Awas one of the first adult content-related Discord servers to pop up, so it's got something of a reputation to uphold. With a close community of friends and individuals, anything goes in Suite 7A. Some people shareporn videos, others are just there to talk shit. However, everyone...
In this post, we examine selected Discord servers who promote themselves as being welcoming to creators. Top 20 Discord Servers for Influencers & Creators: 1. Content Creators Cabin 2. YouTube Gamers Alliance (YGA) 3. YouTube Squad 4. Sludge Island 5. Creators Achievements 6. Small Creators...
Friends in Discord (see the following figure) can be regarded as something like “Gold” or “Tier 2” status on your server. Friends can be given special privileges ranging from open direct messaging to being able to see what servers you have in common. It may seem that the distinctions ...
Find the best History Discord Servers, or add your own! Browse through the most popular servers on Discord, and find the right server for you!