The app is available for all devices, and you can learn how to use it in minutes. Once running, you join the server for your business, and employees have access to chat rooms, private rooms, voice calls, and more from inside the app. The same app can be used at home to play video...
Invite the bot to your Discord server: Enable developer mode from Discord app's settings from "Appearance" tab Right click the channel you want Minecraft chat to be on and click "Copy ID", then ...
但是在 Discord ,在一个 Server 中设置多个 Channel 就解决问题了,而且 Discord 支持文字、实时语音、实时视频、投屏等多种沟通方式。Discord 的 Slogan 是「Your Place to Talk and Hang Out」,重点是「Your Place」。「Place」强调空间,「Your」强调私密和自治。而整个互联网世界,只有 Discord 能提供「Your ...
第一,是免费且不限用户量的 Server 空间。 这一点非常非常重要,因为其它产品大都需要花钱,比如 TeamSpeak 会根据用户量收费。 第二,功能简单好用。 这也能成为优点?主要是同行太难用了。举几个常被提起的细节: 支持一键创建 Server,而 TeamSpeak 、Mumble 需要复杂的配置过程。
When you first join our server, you will be presented with a series of options in order for us to tailor your experience on our server and so you see everything you want to see, and only that. You can also choose additional languages to chat to your fellow regional truckers!
免费,无需安装,独特现代的界面,专为游戏语音聊天打造,连接稳定、高音质、低延迟、少占用,一键创建聊天 Server,一键生成邀请链接,在永远在线的聊天室里,玩家可以一边玩游戏一边群聊交流。 “在红海竞争市场,只有当你的产品比竞争对手好 10 倍时,你才有机会获得胜利。”Discord 就是这样一款产品,凭借产品力从竞争激烈...
They will receive a link that allows them to join it, where they can choose to have atext or voice chatwith other members of the server. Each server is broken down further intochannels. They are smaller groups dedicated to discussing a specific topic either through text or voice. While all...
DiscordChatExporteris an application that can be used to export message history from anyDiscordchannel to a file. It works with direct messages, group messages, and server channels, and supports Discord's dialect of markdown as well as most other rich media features. ...
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