更新discord bot上的活动状态,并显示连接到支持sourcequery / rest api网站和webrcon的游戏服务器的玩家数量。 它最初是为游戏Rust创建的,但现在也支持任何支持sourcequery或来自以下站点的rest api的游戏。 用nodejs编写,需要npm和nodejs。 您可以在Windows,macOS,Linux或docker上运行它,请在安装中获取更多信息。 源...
服务器状态机器人 显示来自Minecraft服务器的当前玩家数作为Discord机器人上的状态 例子 要求 已安装和 正在运行的Minecraft服务器及其地址 及其令牌 指示 克隆此仓库 运行npm install 将.env.example重命名为.env 编辑.env并添加以下详细信息: DISCORD_TOKEN是您的机器人的令牌 SERVER_ADDRESS是您的Minecraft服务器的...
MCServerStatusBot Discord bot for checking Minecraft server status, written in C++ Some information This bot uses the https://www.mcapi.us service in order to get the information. Due to this being a service run by a single person and it being rate-limited, this bot only sends requests ...
MC-Server-Status-Discord-Bot/status.go/ Jump to 100 lines (87 sloc)2.84 KB RawBlame packagemain import( "MinecraftServerStatusBot/mcsrvstat" "fmt" "github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo" "io" "log" "strings" ) funchandleStatus(s*discordgo.Session,m*discordgo.MessageCreate) { ...
Before we proceed, if you are wonderinghow to add bots to the Discord server, check out this detailed guide. 1. Cleaner You can use Cleaner to delete a specific number of messages from a particular user. Here are all the commands and respective features supported by the Cleaner bot. ...
A discord bot that will show your servers player count and current map as the discord bots playing status allowing a quick and easy way for your community to see what map is being played and how many players straight from your discord server. - LukeeSuck
Repository files navigation README MIT license fivem-status Simple discord bot created to display fivem server status Screenshots License MITAbout 🚗Simple discord bot created to display fivem server status Topics discord discord-bot discord-js fivem fivem-server-status fivem-server-status-bot Resou...
channels and emotes. JetBot makes use of Python 3.6 and discord.py rewrite to work. It was originally made for just theJetBrains serverbut is now public:invite it to your server. I provide absolutely no support for this bot as it was written in a very messy style to get the job done....
You can edit the system message the bot uses, or disable it entirelyInstall the required dependencies with npm iStart the bot with npm startYou can interact with the bot by @mentioning it with your messageInstall Stable DiffusionRun the script ./webui.sh --api --listen...
RPCS3 Compatibility Bot This is a tech support / moderation / crowd entertainment bot for theRPCS3 discord server. You can read the design and implementation notes by visiting the folders in the web interface, or from thearchitecture overview notes. ...