ServerStats works similarly to its name. It tells you all the stats of your server, including the total number of members, bots, streamers, moderators, boosters, etc. Suppose you have a big server, then it becomes so much handy and also helps in progressing your server. Serverstat bot is...
MedalBot is free. 11. Statbot Statbot is a server stats Discord bot. It tracks stats like how many members you have, the number of messages, how many members are online, the amount of time members spend in voice channels, and a lot more. It stores the info in a dashboard so you ...
START /WAIT C:\Discord\StatBot\mircstats\mircstats.exe -cfg general.cfg -log "C:\Discord\StatBot\277418737798479872\general\*.log" -html Html\general.html Notes Want to help or need help? Join the discord server , create an issue or create a pull request. ...
View Add Bot Upvote GGRadio 0 Music Fun Listen to the GGRadio stream with members of your server simultaneously, with one-command setup. View Add Bot Upvote YBOT 0 Multipurpose Games It has various Korean-based functions Game Stat(Steam, Hypixel Server, Minecraft, Battleground (PUBG...
Statbot This is the most suitable bot to keep track of your server’s stats. This bot can track stats such as the number of members you have on your server, the number of messages, how many people are online, and more! MEE6
Building a dev community on Discord? GitBot can help. Come chat or ask questions inour server! Command syntax themed after thegitCLI Viewing lines of code mentioned in a link Repository release feeds In-depth analysis of a repo's code ...
SpikeyBot for Discord by SpikeyRobot 15,147 servers at peak SpikeyBot is a Bot for Discord that has grown to become a sort of all-in-one bot. Admin commands, raid protection, random stuff, and even a Hunger Games simulator that includes people on the server. The bot is still being wor...
(-1); } private static async Task UserJoinedAsync(SocketGuildUser user) { // 获取用户的角色列表 var roles = user.Roles; // 输出用户信息和角色列表 Console.WriteLine($"User {user.Username} joined the server!"); foreach (var role in roles) { Console.WriteLine($"Role: {role.Name}");...
(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore # noqa File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/asyncio/", line 804, in create_connection sock, protocol_factory, ssl, server_hostname) File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/pyth...
em.description = bot.psa +'\n[Support Server]('exceptAttributeError: em.description ='A multipurpose bot made by SharpBit, Victini, AntonyJoseph03, Free TNT and Sleedyak.\n[Support Server]('em.add_field(name="Servers", value=le...