Discord Nuke Bot In Python (BETA) which includes several commands that can be used to affect the condition of a Discord server - Miroleo/Discord-Server-Nuker
这是用discord.py编写的Discord nuke机器人。 它非常易于使用,您可以对其进行自我托管,也可以从诸如repl.it之类的网站进行托管。 请记住,这不是自助机器人。 还 我在discord.py很烂,但我正在努力改进,因此我会不时在这里添加内容 用法 $ ccr-创建频道$ cdel-删除所有通道 ...
This brings us to the principle of “TOWINAP,” or“The Only Way Is Nuke and Pave”[“tip o’ the hat” to ‘TOWIE,’“The Only Way Is Essex,” for inspiring this acronym]. That is, once a system’s been infected by malware, the only truly effective way to fix it is to...
Supergamer5465 / discord-server-nuke Star 9 Code Issues Pull requests destroyer of discord servers discord-bot discord-py discord-server-destroyer discord-server-nuke discord-server-nuke-bot discord-server-raid discord-server-raid-bot Updated Oct 10, 2020 Python ...
The other part (the gamers who are working) also pay for the servers or are so rarely online that it is not worth to finance an own server and maybe they find Discord easier. My opinion is that the conditions for an NPL (website, mail with TLD, etc) should become even stronger. BU...
C# lib that allows you to post your bots server count to all of the Discord bot lists. discorddiscordsharpdiscordsharpplusdiscordbotdiscordbotsbotlistdiscordbotlistdiscordbotworldbotlistspacebotsfordiscorddiscordservicesbotsondiscordcarbonitexdiscordbotsgroupdiscordlistappbotlistapi ...
Discord Bot for trolling your friends Server. Nuke. Hack. Destroy. Spam. Op. Deop. Kill. Be nice! - Fytex/H43