GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
(boost_server(id, tk)) print(banner) ch = input("[-] natrix#4526 | Choice: ") try: c = int(ch) except ValueError: print("natrix#4526 | Use Number To Choose.") sys.exit() if c == 1: invv = input("[-] natrix#4526 | Enter Invite Code:")
Server Level根据Boost数提升,最高等级为3。Server Level提高的受益者是全体成员,因此贡献Boost的往往是Server Owner。 与Boost类似的是Nitro,它是用户为个人购买的升级体验,通用于所有社区,解锁诸如解除文件上传限制等个人功能,Server Owner为本社区贡献Boost相当于帮用户购买了仅属于本社区的Nitro。而Server Owner为自己...
Bug Reporter –Helps with reporting and managing bug reports to the Github. Discord Booster –For people who boost the discord. (Helmsman in-game) Contributor (Lieutenant, Commander or Captain in-game). Verified –For people who verified themselves (read the linking section below). Bot –Given...
文献资料 启动机器人 克隆存储库: git clone并转到步骤2。或者下载zip,解压缩,Shift +右键单击FreeDiscord-main文件夹,单击“ Open Powershell window here ,然后继续执行步骤3。 cd到存储库文件夹: cd FreeDiscord 。 确保已安装所有依赖项,Windows: pytho点...
“We are witnessing a recent barrage of malicious software hosted and delivered through open-source software repositories,” according to JFrog researchers. “Public repositories have become a handy instrument for malware distribution: the repository’s server is a trusted resource, and communication wit...
Explore more on itsGitHub page. 2. ModMail Highlights: Enables users to contact server staff Self-host Hosted version Optional premium ModMailis a simple open-source Discord bot that seamlessly lets a user contact the staff/admins/moderators of a Discord channel. ...
但是,当想要开发 BetterDiscord 或安装程序不起作用时,可以使用此选项。 先决条件: 、 Node.js 12.x+ 和包管理器npm 。 克隆这个仓库git clone 使用npm install安装依赖项 使用npm run build Injector 和 Renderer 包,这将 所需:1积分电信网络下载...
injection_url: 'hxxps://raw.githubusercontent[.]com/Anthemiaa/fr/main/clean.js', api: '', nitro: { boost: { year: { id: '521847234246082599', sku: '511651885459963904', price: '9999',
Server Level根据Boost数提升,最高等级为3。Server Level提高的受益者是全体成员,因此贡献Boost的往往是Server Owner。 与Boost类似的是Nitro,它是用户为个人购买的升级体验,通用于所有社区,解锁诸如解除文件上传限制等个人功能,Server Owner为本社区贡献Boost相当于帮用户购买了仅属于本社区的Nitro。而Server Owner为自己...