Node.js/Discord API@philip-hub@MaybeDuckClone and run with continous server The Club - Discord Bot The Club is a discord bot initially made by@philipand maintained byMemphis Hackclub. This is a open source bot that you can add to your hackclub, student club, or any Discord server. The...
Discord Account/Token Creator + Automatic Server Joiner + Instant Boosting discordvastdiscord-hackdiscord-raiderfree-nitrodiscord-token-creatordiscord-token-generatorhcaptcha-bypasshcaptcha-solverdiscord-account-creatordiscordaccountcreatordiscord-mass-dmdiscord-account-generatordiscordaccountgen ...
This is good alpha even as a collector, if you can't find a bot in the server, they probably haven't got audited or know what the hell they're — Jon_HQ (@Jon_HQ)December 13, 2022 🚨🚨 Discord Security Tip - Cold Admins 🚨🚨 I've spent...
Many believe that the hackers compromised the admin accounts first and then got access to the alternate admin account using MEE6. This helped them to send out webbook messages while hiding the compromised administrator account. Related:The aftermath of Axie Infinity’s $650M Ronin Bridge hack ...
PHP 反弹连接文件生成: 选择:PHP PentestMonkey (py27) ┌──(root㉿kali)-[~/soft/hack] (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ └─# cat ... import requests import base64 base_url = "" upload_dir = "/uploa...
# 需要导入模块: import discord [as 别名]# 或者: from discord importgg[as 别名]defon_guild_join(self, guild):"""Send welcome message to the server owner"""message = ("Greetings! My name is **{}**, and my sole responsibility is to help you and ""your group kick ass in Destiny 2...
# 需要导入模块: import discord [as 别名]# 或者: from discord importForbidden[as 别名]defhackban(self, ctx, user_id: int):"""Bans a user outside of the server."""author = guild = author.guild user = guild.get_member(user_id)ifuserisnotNone:returnawaitctx.invoke(...
(embed=self.embed.hack) elif selected == 'Music': await interaction.response.edit_message( elif selected == 'Admin': await interaction.response.edit_message(embed=self.embed.admin) @discord.ui.button(emoji='🏠', async def home_call...
and they should also considder that (since my phonenr was amongst the lucky ones to get passed out in the free sample you could get from the sellers of the latest whatsapp hack), that phone numbers get recycled, so when my new sim arrives , in a short while someone else might find ...
Standard NFT video sport Axie Infinity has suffered another hack, this time on the sport’s official Discord channel. Essentially based fully on an official statement, Axie’s MEE6, a popular Discord bot ragged for automating roles and messaging inner channels, used to be compromised. The ...