With discoid on your server, you can create custom commands for greeting your users or maybe to create and share memes. Also, you can get notification of your and fellow mates statistics or just mute the annoying members as well. Discoid also lets you enjoy media from apps like Youtube and...
No need to put the values inside any quotes, just put the values after the '=' Now save the file. Get back to the terminal and use the command python3/python public_version.py and it will start the bot. It's important to set the gemini api key through the command "set_api_key"...
emojistring"emojiname:id"The emoji when reacted with the message will be sent. Unicode emojis have to be entered just as the emoji. Example: "🚀" (Don't worry if it appears as boxes on your machine) And for custom/nitro emojis you have to put emoji_name:emoji_id which you can ge...
Delete A Discord Account To Remove It Permanently To permanently remove a Discord account or delete it, one should head over to the 'User Settings' section and click or tap on the 'Delete Account' option, located beside the option to 'Disable Account.' A clear difference between disabling an...
The first method requires you to make minor adjustments to the copied Tweet URL before sharing it on Discord. This solution comes from the FixTweet project on GitHub. It makes embedding Tweets, images, videos, polls, quotes, and other media from Twitter possible. Here is how you can use it...
On the command prompt window type “cd” without quotes, then a space, then ctrl-v your directory name, then press enter. If you have MacOS: Open your Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app) Go to the directory usingcd [path to base folder of the game]. In my case, it’s/Us...
You know, it’s not like the Bible where you’re looking for quotes to justify or base your actions on. But I think the action of doing that was sort of in line with the ideas that came from Discordia and the Illuminatus!…” “And the burning of the money—it is a random act ...
Finally arguments which are not*but comprises spaces need to be put in quotes like this:"this is one argument only". Else each "word" will be considered a different argument. If the argument count doesn't exactly match then the command will fail. Also the arguments order matters. ...
'- Set/cycle your game status and your avatar\n- Google web and image search\n- MyAnimeList search\n- Spoiler tagging\n' '- Server info commands\n- Quoting, calculator, creating polls, and much more') em.add_field(name='\ud83d\udd17 Link to download', value='[Github link](https:...
Copy and paste the token value into the config file on the token = discordtoken line saving quotes. App mode Go to Discord Developer Portal's Applications page Click to "New application" button Type the name you want to see as title in your status (for example, type "qwe42" to see ...