git clone The requirements are: Python Poetry Install the dependencies poetry install add the following environment variables. VariableDescriptionDefault BOT_NAME The name of the bot "Hackster" BOT_TOKEN The token of the bot *Required CHANNEL_DEVLOG The ...
HackTheBot ⚠️You shouldn't use this bot anymore. The code is old and dirty, HTB changed their interface (even the old with small details) so the scraping don't work anymore, and they released a working API, which you should rely on. So I'll archive this repo.⚠️ ...
Discord bridging plugin for block game Topics minecraft bukkit spigot discord discord-bot bukkit-plugin jda hacktoberfest discordsrv Resources Readme License GPL-3.0, Unknown licenses found Activity Custom properties Stars 996 stars Watc...
If you wish to add this into the Hacksoc bot dev server, please speak to the secretary. When deploying: Go to the Discord Developer portal and create a bot. Take note of the token! Clone your local copy of the repository to a development machine (a linux VM is ideal for this, as ...
VSCode extension allowing the integration of a Discord chat, bot templates, snippets, themes and more! typescriptdiscorddiscordjsdiscord-boterisvisual-studio-codejdadiscord-pydiscord-jsjda-bothacktoberfestdiscordbotdiscord-javavisual-studio-code-extensionjda-discord-botpycorderis-discordjda-discorderis-di...
创建bot-B,并记录bot专属的token(BOT_TOKEN),此bot为我们与discord交互的bot。 两个bot开通对应权限(Send Messages,Read Message History等)并邀请进服务器,记录服务器ID(GUILD_ID) ( 过程不在此赘述)。 打开coze官网创建自己bot。 创建好后推送,配置discord-bot的token,即bot-A的token,点击完成后在discord的服...
hackbot-myname-dev. Click the Create a Bot User button. Notice the Client ID, reveal your app's Token, and record them both for later. Visit, replacing the placeholder with your real Client ...
pythonmusicbotfunmodulardiscordtriviamoderationchatbotdiscord-bothacktoberfest UpdatedDec 8, 2024 Python SudhanPlayz/Discord-MusicBot Star3k An advanced discord music bot, supports Spotify, Soundcloud, YouTube with Shuffling, Volume Control and Web Dashboard with Slash Commands support!
A Discord bot built by the Python Discord community, for the Python Discord community. You can find our community by going to Motivations We know it can be difficult to get into the whole open source thing at first. To help out, we started the HacktoberBot com...
javaapibotrestrest-apidiscorddiscord-botdiscord-apidiscord-libraryhacktoberfestjava-discord-botjavacordjava-discord-api UpdatedJun 23, 2024 Java koply/koply-core Star16 Code Issues Pull requests Koply-Core JDA Async Bot Base jdajava-discord-botjda-discord-botbotbasekoply-core ...