Join a voice channel and tell FredBoat which song you want the bot to play with the“;;play [URL]“command. For instance, you can type,“;;play” Instead of searching for a specific URL, you can also search for the name of a song ...
Play music from YouTube videos on voice channels. Give an overview of helpful information such as games, weather, news, etc. Add memes from various meme generators to keep your chat active and fun! There are countless other possibilities for bots, but most of them depend on the bot itself...
const Discord = require("discord.js"); require('dotenv').config(); const { joinVoiceChannel, createAudioPlayer, createAudioResource, AudioPlayerStatus } = require('@discordjs/voice'); const client = new Discord.Client({ intents: ["GUILDS", "GUILD_MESSAGES"], partials: ["CHANNEL"] });...
Yep, SoundCloud has their official bot in Discord that you can add from the App directory. This is a pretty straightforward app that lets you sign in to your SoundCloud account and play your music over the voice channel.Even if you are not signed in, you can look up independent artists o...
Discord.py是一个用于开发Discord机器人的Python库。VoiceState是Discord.py中的一个对象,它代表了用户在语音频道中的状态。然而,VoiceState对象并没有直接的属性叫做"voice_channel"。 VoiceState对象有以下一些常用属性和方法: member:返回与该VoiceState相关联的成员对象。
export DISCORD_VOICE_TRANSFER_BOT_TOKEN_1="BOT1のトークン" export DISCORD_VOICE_TRANSFER_BOT_TOKEN_2="BOT2のトークン" export DISCORD_VOICE_TRANSFER_ENVIRONMENT_HEROKU="デプロイ先がherokuか 例 herokuの場合:true herokuでない場合:false" export DISCORD_VOICE_TRANSFER_HTTP_IP="Botをインストー...
MusicBot About this branchThis branch of MusicBot is only compatible with the rewrite version of the library, which can be installed using python3 -m pip install -U git+[voice]. It is also a dependency in requirements...
While an excellent Discord alternative, Chanty does not have status messages to notify others you are “AFK” or “in a meeting.” Why Choose Chanty as a Discord Alternative? Business-Focused Features:Chat, voice messaging, video calls, screen sharing, and task management tools, all designed wi...
discord.errors.ClientException: Already connected to a voice channel music bot Here's the code: import discord from discord.ext import commands from discord.utils import get TOKEN = "" BOT_PREFIX = "!" bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=BOT_PREFIX) @bot.command(pass_context=True, brief="Mak...
You could, for example, provide a role for joining your badminton group and tag everyone in that role when you want to play a game. Even without a dedicated channel, you can coordinate people within a certain role through role tagging. 6. Manage bot and integration permissions Discord integra...