is another great online image compressor that helps you to compress image size within a matter of seconds. It helps you compress JPG/JPEG/PNG/GIF image formats in just a few clicks. It allows you to save the compressed files to your PC or Dropbox directly. Also, if the file ...
📷 1、点击[插入] 📷 2、点击[形状] 📷 3、点击[椭圆] 📷 4、点击[文本] 📷 5、按<...
$helpme -> for helping commands $ask -> for asking question from the bot $avatar -> for having a better look at pfp $clapass -> fun emote $poll -> for using poll in the server $image -> for creating images $roll -> for rolling numbers $inform -> for informing users (Admins ...
// # can also be pfporavatar username: can also be nameornickname color: # may also be a single value, multiple values repeat from the startifmore embeds than colors are found -0x442200# this is a dark brown -442200# this is light green, because it ...
Step 3. Enter “128” in the boxes ofWidthandHeightand change the resize method as needed. If your GIF PFP is over 8MB, you should choose the resize methodGifsicle. Step 4. When you are done, clickResize image. Step 5. After that, scroll down to Resized image and click thesavebutton...
the user wants to remove it. However, the GIF Discord PFP is accessible only to Nitro subscribers. Therefore, when the Nitro subscription expires, the GIF Discord will change into the image. Additionally, Discord allows uploading GIFs of a maximum 100Mbs of size and up to 15 seconds in ...