But then that would prevent me from other perks like background gifs and each individual server pfp from Nitro. I’m usually on mobile because of how convenient it is to bring around the house and when I go out so I use it more than desktop. So if Discord could please keep up with ...
PFP Retrieval Some hidden features ;) Urban Dictionary Lookup Clear Chat MyAnimeList Search (Manga, Anime) ETA September Features: Modulizing the entire bot (Priority) Blacklist (Priority) Select random from list Translate Food/Recipe Lookup
{ "Token" : YOUR_BOT_TOKEN, "open_ai_token" : CHATGPT_API, "admin" : YOUR_DISCORD_ID } Usefull Commands $helpme -> for helping commands $ask -> for asking question from the bot $avatar -> for having a better look at pfp $clapass -> fun emote $poll -> for using poll in...
command(brief="Avatar", help="Displays a guild members pfp.") async def avatar(ctx, member: discord.Member = None): if member == None: member = ctx.author icon_url = member.avatar_url avatarEmbed = discord.Embed(title=f"{member.name}\'s Avatar", color=0x802BAE) avatarEmbed.set_i...
t have updated the app. But then that would prevent me from other perks like background gifs and each individual server pfp from Nitro. I’m usually on mobile because of how convenient it is to bring around the house and when I go out so I use it more than desktop. So if Discord ...
t have updated the app. But then that would prevent me from other perks like background gifs and each individual server pfp from Nitro. I’m usually on mobile because of how convenient it is to bring around the house and when I go out so I use it more than desktop. So if Discord ...