The roll will be rolled in private, notifying the users in the channel that a roll has been made. Flags: master, gm, m Masked The roll will be masked and will not display the input values or output details. Flags: masked, mask Invisible The roll will be completely invisible and will...
On Discord notifying the users isn’t a problem, as they have a lot to choose from, on the kind of notification that users want to apply. For the benefit of the new users, to access the notification on Discord just to navigate to the bottom end of the system, then head straight for...
Text to speech (for notifying intruders or whoever is at the door) Discord notifications (webhook) Discord remote management (bot) Automatic video recording Web server with live video feed (LAN only unless forwarded) Logging of everything that takes place Other No port forwarding Easy customization...
Formica allows sharing of collected form data among communities also notifying users and letting them know that the data submitted on a form is being shared to another community, So the user can chose to delete his data from the shared form data. Web Interface Discord Bot Backend and ...