It is a string algorithm problem, and nobody likes string algorithm problems, so FatalEagle decides not to even try the problem. FatalEagle arrives at his hotel for the IOI in the Motherland. He checks into his room and realizes that he is hungry. There is no food in the hotel other ...
Will Xiao ever support Slash Commands? Most likely, no. Many of the commands in Xiao were written with the message content intent in mind, and given her status as a private bot I see no reason to change that. Plus, kitchen-sink bots reallydon'twork with Slash Commands, they just clog ...
Blood Incantation, the underground's favorite cosmic death metal band over the last decade, have just announced their new albumAbsolute Elsewherealong with a new app and Discord server. It's the next move in a lineage of no-bounds endeavors and it's about as hype as death metal can get. ...
In Discord at least there is some moderation the moment people start bullshiting too much - here - nobody gives a damn. - - - Updated - - - In-between pepes and ignorant bads sprouting nonsense unchecked, I'll take pepes. Then why do you visit this forum? genuine question, if you...
nobody-name: Converts a name into the Organization XIII style. owo: OwO. pig-latin: Converts text to pig latin. pirate: Converts text to pirate. repeat: Repeat text over and over and over and over (etc). reverse: Reverses text. say: Make me say what you want, master. sha-1: Cr...