即时通话和数码发行平台Discord昨日宣布登陆Xbox,Xbox One和Xbox Series X/S用户可以进行Discord语音通信。集成通过Xbox手机程序,让玩家可以在游戏期间以Discord保持通信,情况就好像PC游戏时类似。要在Xbox上使用Discord,用户要按下手柄的Xbox按钮和前往Parties & Chat,然后选择Try Discord Voice on Xbox,画面会出现QR...
今年7月,我们宣布我们正在与 Discord 合作以简化您的音频聊天体验,以便您可以直接在 Xbox 上与来自所有游戏社区的朋友一起游玩。从今天开始,Discord Voice 可在所有 Xbox Series X|S 和 Xbox One 主机上使用。 通过此更新,您现在可以直接从您的主机通过语音频道或群组通话与 Discord 上的任何人聊天,从而轻松与移动...
Discord features are starting to arrive on the Xbox platform. Here's how to take advantage of them by connecting Discord voice chat to Xbox Series X and more. Tyler Lacoma September 19, 2022 Discord is making its Android app more like iOS, and in a good way ...
今年7月,我们宣布我们正在与 Discord 合作以简化您的音频聊天体验,以便您可以直接在 Xbox 上与来自所有游戏社区的朋友一起游玩。从今天开始,Discord Voice 可在所有 Xbox Series X|S 和 Xbox One 主机上使用。 通过此更新,您现在可以直接从您的主机通过语音频道或群组通话与 Discord 上的任何人聊天,从而轻松与移动...
今年7月,我们宣布我们正在与 Discord 合作以简化您的音频聊天体验,以便您可以直接在 Xbox 上与来自所有游戏社区的朋友一起游玩。从今天开始,Discord Voice 可在所有 Xbox Series X|S 和 Xbox One 主机上使用。 通过此更新,您现在可以直接从您的主机通过语音频道或群组通话与 Discord 上的任何人聊天,从而轻松与移动...
Discord语音聊天现已可在Xbox Series X|S Xbox One使用 今年7月,我们宣布我们正在与 Discord 合作以简化您的音频聊天体验,以便您可以直接在 Xbox 上与来自所有游戏社区的朋友一起游玩。从今天开始,Discord Voice 可在所有 Xbox Series X|S 和 Xbox One 主机上使用。
Bottom line: There’s no reliable workaround to get the Discord app on Xbox Series X. But there’s still something else you can do, a Discord feature that’s fully supported by Microsoft itself – the ability to use Discord’s chat on your Xbox. ...
Discord integration looks to get even better on Xbox consoles as Microsoft rolls out new features for the Insider program. This week will bring about the option to view Discord streams directly from Xbox to people in the Alpha Skip-Ahead and Alpha rings. There's no timetable for a...
Users can access the app on their PC, mobile device, or gaming console (voice chat only for Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5) In order to view content that is NSFW (not safe for work), users must confirm that they are 18 or older. Discord uses an AI Chatbot, known as Clyde. We...
Now there are two generations of Xbox consoles that are being supported. The Xbox One as well as the Xbox Series X|S. So if you have one of these consoles, you can make use of Discord. Let’s take a look at how to get and make use of Discord on Xbox Consoles. ...