Discord RSS Bot 是一款专为 Discord 社区设计的自动化工具,它利用 GitLab 上的代码库https://gitlab.com/ffreiheit/discord_feedbot实现了与 GitHub 的集成。通过这款程序,用户可以轻松地将来自外部网站的 RSS 流订阅到 Discord 服务器上,从而实现即时更新通知,极大地丰富了 Discord 平台的信息获取渠道。 1.2 RS...
骨这一层,它除了做自己产品之外,还有一个 Bot 插件的生态。这个生态链是很丰富的,这种丰富让 Discord 这个平台有了更多支撑,更多用户、场景拓展的可能性。这种开放平台的方式才会让整个生态变得更健康。它很像小程序,可以类比于,在微信生态里,很多的非 IM 功能可以通过 Bot 和插件的方式来弥补。 开放平台是没那么...
If you’re facing the issue of the Discord bot going offline then first make sure that the bot-related server is not down or off. You can visit the news feed section at the top.gg website for checking the details related to the bot. Also Read: How To Use Botify On Discord Method ...
It is a reasonably popular bot that works as expected. You can add it to a particular channel, customize its look, and start getting news updates on your Discord server. It also lets you filter articles for your feed and allow users to subscribe to an article as per their liking. This ...
its reliability and performance. Bot list websites often have user reviews and ratings for each bot, which can help you make an informed decision. Additionally, you can also check for reviews and feedback on bot-related forums and communities to gather more information before selecting a bot. ...
Check for err in postNewsPerFeed Jun 17, 2022 postDiscord.go First Feb 5, 2022 processContent.go First Feb 5, 2022 titles.go First Feb 5, 2022 README GPL-3.0 license Discord Bot Το project αντιπροσωπεύει έναDiscordbot τοοποίο δημοσιεύε...
首先,你需要确保已经正确安装了YAGPDB,并且拥有管理员权限来添加新插件。打开Discord服务器设置中的Bot Management部分,找到“YouTube Feed”插件选项。假设你想为一个名为“#youtube-updates”的频道添加YouTube频道更新通知功能,可以使用以下命令: !yagpdb ytfeedadd<YouTube频道ID>#youtube-updates...
(Setting up a discord bot) First, we need to create a new application on the discord development portal. 首先,我们需要在不和谐的开发门户上创建一个新的应用程序。 We can do so by visiting the portal and clicking on new application.
status/1... @TechGuyReloaded tweet about Discord bot devs:https://twitter.com/TechGuyReloaded/s... Nick Monroe Twitter Thread:https://twitter.com/nickmon1112/statu... Allthefoxes allegations sources: Allthefoxes previous furaffinity:https://www.furaffinity.net/user/vinc... Allthefoxes F....
Leave any serious feedback and suggestions you have. Suggestions server events, like fanfic/art competitions, also go here. gazelle-backstage Please use bot commands mostly in here casino Use Gazelle's Games/Gambling commands here Zootopian