Find the best Discord Music Bots for your Discord Server, including Maki to LunaBot 🌙 and more!
Cakey Bot is a feature-rich discord bot with Music, Games, Leveling, Economy, Audit Log, Auto Responders, AFK Messages and more! MusicEconomyGamesModerationLevelingRoleplay 1 ViewInvite Kōri 26500 Guild Count No Reviews Rating Say hi to Kōri, one of the best NSFW image bots 🍆💦 |...
Check out Netflix, MEE6, Carl Bot, Jockie Music, Captcha Bot or Hydra Bot. By using our inbuilt filters, you'll be able to find your ideal bot in just a few clicks. Contributors can also register an account on Discord Bot List to add their favorite Discord bots within seconds. If ...
Find the best Discord bots for your server with our discord bot list. Browse information on each bot and vote for your favourites.
go discord discord-bot music-bot hacktoberfest discordgo discordmusicbot sponsorblock Updated Dec 19, 2024 Go KingRain / SimpleDiscordMusicBot Star 11 Code Issues Pull requests A Simple discord music bot which has all the commands you'll need. Written in discord.js and made for hosting...
An advanced discord music bot, supports Spotify, Soundcloud, YouTube with Shuffling, Volume Control and Web Dashboard with Slash Commands support! - SudhanPlayz/Discord-MusicBot
MusicBot 是一个具有干净界面的跨平台 Discord 音乐机器人,易于设置和运行! 特性: 易于运行(只需确保安装了 Java,然后运行!) 歌曲加载速度快 不需要外部密钥(除了 Discord Bot 令牌) 流畅播放 可以调节音乐的“DJ”角色的服务器特定设置 干净漂亮的菜单 支持许多网站,包括 Youtube、Soundcloud 等 支持许多在线广播...
《Discord Music Bot》是一款集成了Spotify、Soundcloud、YouTube等多个流行音乐平台的多功能音乐机器人。它不仅提供基础的音乐播放服务,还拥有包括随机播放、音量控制在内的多种高级功能。尤其值得一提的是,该Bot支持Slash Commands(斜杠命令)交互方式,极大提升了用户体验,使音乐播放控制变得更加简单直接。
8. RuneInfo -Bot Link RuneInfo Unlike majority of the app on this list, RuneInfo focuses on playing the popular RuneScape game on your Discord server. You are surprised , aren't you? Well, technology has been impressing us. At this age, you shouldn't be surprised that you can play an...
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