6. Tap on thedesireduserwhom you want to make a moderator. 7. Under theROLESsection, select theMODrole. What are the Necessary Discord Moderator Role Permissions? Some of the important Discord moderator role permissions are mentioned below: Note: Although these are the basic permissions that a ...
Discord allows server creators to create roles that they can assign to specific members in their servers. For instance, a creator may want to create a moderator role for trusted users who can help them moderate the server’s content.
Creating and Adding Moderator Role in Read-Only Channel This method will provide the steps for creating a role that will be allowed to post in the read-only channel. The moderators and admin should be added to this role, so only they can message in the read-only channel. Follow the below...
One of the first things you're going to want to do is set up user roles and permissions on your Discord server. This is a must for setting up admin and moderator roles as well as any special roles you offer to members if you have amembership-based business. There are several Discord ...
Permissions:Set 2FA for moderator actions, which will only allow members with 2FA enabled to use moderation commands, i.e., kick or ban. Default Channels:You can set default channels that will be visible to all the members. Members can add more channels to their list using customization quest...
How to get a role in Discord? Roles on Discord are created when user accounts attain certain permissions. These roles can vary from the most common ‘@everyone’ to the server administrator called the moderator. Here’s how you can create roles in Discord: ...
The situation isn't any better when we're talking about specific channel permissions. Users can overwrite moderator or admin hierarchy and change nicknames or Gamertags. If you have a role that allows managing permissions, you won't be able to give permissions to yourself, but you'll be able...
示例1: on_guild_role_update ▲点赞 7▼ # 需要导入模块: import discord [as 别名]# 或者: from discord importRole[as 别名]defon_guild_role_update(self, before:Role, after:Role)->None:"""Syncs role with the database if any of the stored attributes were updated."""ifafter.guild.id !
Anyone who has access to a message on Discord can react to it by default. If you want to prevent people from reacting to a particular message, you can adjust the permissions provided you have an appropriate administrative or moderator role on the server. ...
has_permissions(manage_messages=True) async def mute(ctx, member: discord.Member, *, reason=None): guild = ctx.guild muteRole = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, name="Muted") if not muteRole: await ctx.send("No Mute Role found! Creating one now...") muteRole = await guild.create_...