步骤1首先检查您当前使用的 Discord 版本。从 betterdiscord.app/ 下载插件,运行安装程序并按照说明将插件安装到您的硬盘上。 步骤2接下来,访问官方网站下载MessageLoggerV2插件。 步骤3打开 Discord,点击个人设置按钮,然后单击插件在 Better Discord 部分下。接下来,点击打开插件文件夹. 步骤4找到 MessageLoggerV2 下载,...
After installing the Message Logger V2, you need to add it to your Discord as well. Open the Discord on your desktop and click on the gear icon which takes you into your Discord app settings. The left sidebar consists of numerous options including "User Profile", "Privacy; Safety", "My...
Better Discordis an app intended to improve the functionality of Disc.ombined with the MessageLoggerV2 plugin, you can log all of the messages on your server, and easily see any deleted messages in your logs. You won’t be able to see any deleted messages that were removed prior to setti...
在server 目录下新建 discord.go 文件,添加如下内容: packageserverimport("context""discord-bot/internal/service""fmt""github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo""github.com/go-kratos/kratos/v2/log")constbotToken="替换成自己的token"typeDiscordMessageServiceinterface{Create(s*discordgo.Session,m*discordgo.MessageCre...
Discord contains a process logger Discord receives government requests for your information Discord contains features which allow integration with other spyware platforms Discord confirms that it collects large amounts of sensitive user data Discord does not make its source code available ...
discordlogger Update package imports to V2 (botlabs-gg#1195) May 5, 2022 feeds Update package imports to V2 (botlabs-gg#1195) May 5, 2022 frontend frontend: add documentation link to homepage (botlabs-gg#1758) Nov 12, 2024 lib circleci image updated Nov 18, 2024 logs Replaced the term...
写入日志到文件中 Cookie 操作 处理跨域CORS 开始吧导入包设定一些参数和启动:开始吧导入包一些说明: iris包: github.com/kataras/iris/v12...iris的日志:github.com/kataras/iris/v12/middleware/logger 能够在崩溃时记录和恢复:github.com/kataras/iris/v12/middleware.../recover 代码示例: package main import...
logger = CustomLogger() handler = CustomHandler(logger) discord.logging.default_logger = logger discord.logging.default_handler = handler 通过以上步骤,discord.py的记录器将被禁用,不再输出任何日志信息。 请注意,以上代码仅禁用了discord.py库本身的记录器,如果你使用了其他库或框架,可能仍然会有日志输出。
步骤1首先检查您当前使用的 Discord 版本。从 betterdiscord.app/ 下载插件,运行安装程序并按照说明将插件安装到您的硬盘上。 步骤2接下来,访问官方网站下载MessageLoggerV2插件。 步骤3打开 Discord,点击个人设置按钮,然后单击插件在 Better Discord 部分下。接下来,点击打开插件文件夹. ...
MessageLoggerV2 Saves all deleted and purged messages, as well as all edit history and ghost pings. With highly configurable ignore options, and even restoring deleted messages after restarting Discord. MultiUploads Multiple uploads send in a single message, like on mobile. Hold shift while pressing...