3. 创建一个事件处理器来处理当机器人准备好时的情况,并获取你的服务器(或频道)的ID: @bot.event async def on_ready(): print(f'Logged in as {bot.user.name} (ID: {bot.user.id})') # Replace 'your_channel_id' with the ID of the channel you want to send the message to channel_id ...
bot.on('message',function(user, userID, channelID, message, evt) { // My code } 您可以像这样在 v11.2 中发送本地文件: varDiscord =require('discord.js');varbot =newDiscord.Client(); bot.on('message', message => {varprefix ='!'varmsg = message.content;if(msg === prefix +'ima...
您可以使用MessageEmbed,就像programmerRaj所说的那样,或者使用MessageOptions中的embed属性 ...
get-img: Discord image and message indexer Description Index attachments and messages (including threads!) in a discord channel or an entire server with a simple command and save the content to a file. Once you have indexed messages, you can download the message list with a command, and you...
Discord AI Chatbot 上链接:https://github.com/mishalhossin/Discord-AI-Chatbot 这个机器人是基于 Python 的 discord.py...创建 Discord 机器人首先你需要打开这个页面 https://discord.com/developers/applications 创建一个 Discord Application,然后在这个...将 MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT 打开: 通过 OAuth2 ...
Then, add the intent to your bot when creating the DiscordClient: GatewayDiscordClient client = DiscordClient.create(token) .gateway() .setEnabledIntents(IntentSet.nonPrivileged().or(IntentSet.of(Intent.MESSAGE_CONTENT))) .login() .block(); 📚 Examples 📑 Message Embeds // IMAGE_URL =...
How to use Discord? The text channels let youmessage members. You can find commands in the text box and the addition sign lets youadd media. The present image is available for Nitro users. Discord lets youupgrade to a Nitro accountthat's apaid subscription package. ...
您可以使用 aMessageEmbed,如 programmerRaj 所说,或使用embed以下属性MessageOptions:...
v=CmK5JLt0GQ4",// Link of the videothumbnail:"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E7sZqOnZUrA/hqdefault.jpg",// image url of the thumbnail} Utility functions // To edit the notifier's channel ID, or the message, If you don't wanna change one of the property just give undefined in its place...
Go to Advanced Settings and turn on Developer Mode. 2. Copy User's ID in Discord Find the user in the Midjourney Discord (any Discord server works too). Right click their profile name then click Copy ID. If you're on mobile: long press the user's message until their profile comes up...