name='用户测试服务器')ifguild:channel=discordPy.utils.get(guild.channels,name='常规')ifchannel:awaitchannel.send(f'欢迎 {} 加入服务器!')# 给新进用户贴上新人标签newbee_role=discordPy.utils.get(guild.roles,name='新人组')awaitmember.add_roles(newbee_role...
When a member has multiple roles with special display rules, their name color, icon, and online status category will depend on the role hierarchy you set. So, for example, if a member has two roles with different name colors, their name will have the color of the role highest on your ...
一旦找到了目标角色,你可以使用Role对象的members属性来访问该角色的成员列表,并使用size属性获取成员数量。 下面是一个示例代码,展示了如何在discord.js中获取角色成员计数: 下面是一个示例代码,展示了如何在discord.js中获取角色成员计数: 以上代码将会在成功连接到Discord服务器后打印出目标角色的成员计数。 对于使用di...
user: discord.Member = None): if user is None: user2 = interaction.user else: user2 = user joineddiscord = user2.created_at.timestamp() joinedserver = user
When you create aDiscordserver, you can configure it in a multitude of ways by setting up different roles for members, such as creating roles for other administrators and moderators or creating a special role for your most active members. Setting up different member roles has a number of benef...
setDefaultMemberPermissions(PermissionFlagsBits.Administrator) .addStringOption(option => option.setName('reactions') .setDescription('Comma-delimited list of reaction emojis and role names. Ex: "🔴 Red, 🟢 Green, 🔵 Blue"') .setRequired(true)) .addStringOption(option => option.setName('...
This is why they get their own colour-coded Discord role (as well as some exclusive channels). If you are a Guild member and didn't get your Discord role, go to your account settings and connect your Discord and World Anvil accounts (make sure that your World Anvil and Discord email ad...
代码如下: client.on('voiceStateUpdate', (oldMember, newMember) => { // définition des constantes const testChannel = newMember.guild.channels.cache.find(c => === '? 1h de travail'); const role = newMember.gui 浏览46提问于2021-01-26得票数 1...
#2965 Add team memberRoleproperty (6e531a2) Fixed #2958 crash when poll is null in RestMessageComponent (24c7605) #2962 incomplete validation when ChannelFlags.RequireTag is true (f5fdfb2) #2948 Fix IndexOf bug in CreateBucketId (ec0ba49) ...
roles. Click on the Edit button present beside the role you want to edit and then move to the Manage Members tab and add members to created roles using the Add Members option. To remove a member from a role, click on the cross button present beside the member and confirm member removal...