The All-in-One Discord bot! Levels/xp, role rewards, member & goal counters, moderation, logs, social alerts and more plugins! ViewAdd BotUpvote 1.5M Collect 110+ 😹Pets, Build your Discord 🏠house w/ 1000+ furni pieces; Fully animated! Profiles, Leveling, Server & Global Economy; Fr...
When you integrate Dyno on your server, it comes with another bot called the Cleverbot. Cleverbot on its own allows you to stream video directly from YouTube to Discord server. You can also use Cleverbot to access Google result and Overwatch stats. Dyno is a premium bot; which means you ...
Martine is a multipurpose bot that can boost the member engagement of your server! Leveling, giveaways, streams alerts and so much more to discover! ViewAdd BotUpvote Maki 8 1.3M MusicModeration Enjoy high-quality tunes from Spotify, Soundcloud & more. Fun features such as easy controls, eff...
Your Discord server won't accept bot requests from other members unless they haveAdministrativeorManage Serverpermissions. However, say you just created a new server, you should be able to add bots already because you haveAdministrativeprivileges. If that's the case, you can skip the instructions...
Recently, a newer member of the Unwinnable Discord community said they just remembered we had a server. I asked them what reminded them, and they told me the big red "Join us on Discord!" button in their issue release email did the trick. 6. Nurture your community A Discord server is ...
Member Counter是Discord机器人,它使您可以轻松地在频道名称或主题中显示计数和其他动态信息,以开始使用, 到Discord服务器中并键入mc!setup ,然后阅读mc!guide来学习如何用机器人制作更酷的东西。 另请参阅以了解机器人的所有功能 自托管 阅读本指南以使用Docker设置该机器人: : ...
Additionally, the other great perks of joining this discord server include a newsletter, educational courses, offline events, a job board, and the opportunity to get mentorship from a successful member who will guide you in your own entrepreneurial journey. ...
@Discordのユーザー名#4桁の数字#member Discordのユーザーにメンションが可能。(ニックネームはNG) @ロール名#role ロールでメンションが可能。 動画、スタンプも共有可能です。複数のサーバーにそれぞれLINEグループを作成し、それぞれにメッセージを共有させることもできます。環境変数の...
Member Counter Add this bot|Website|Translation Project|Documentation Member Counter is a Discord bot which lets you easily display counts and other dynamic information in a channel name or topic, to get started,add this botto your Discord server and type@Member Counter setup, and then read@Mem...
AnthBot:It consists of commands for entertainment as well as commands to improve member interaction on your server. It can control messages, notify you when a user leaves, connects, disconnects, or joins your server. Dyno:This bot is highly versatile that performs a number of commands ranging...