MEE6 Commands Dank Memer Commands Carl-bot Commands Dyno Commands ProBot ✨ Commands Midjourney Bot Commands Hydra Commands Pokétwo Commands Explore Discord Bots Discord Music BotsDiscord Crypto BotsDiscord Moderation BotsDiscord Meme BotsDiscord Multipurpose BotsDiscord Fun BotsDiscord Games BotsDiscord...
1. MEE6 MEE6 is the most comprehensive Discord bot out there. You can create custom commands to automatically provide users with roles and send messages in the main channel or through DMs based on specific actions. Setting up welcome messages and automating roles is easy as well. With a few...
How to Mute Someone on Discord with Mee6? Mee6 is another Discord bot that offers practical features for moderation, specifically for busy servers and channels. This bot can create commands, set up search functions, greet users, play music, integrate YouTube and Twitch, and mute someone. To ...
Find Discord Bot Commands for your favourite Discord Bots with Discord Bot List! MEE6 1 21.5M ModerationEconomy The most complete & easy-to-use Discord bot! Advanced auto-moderation, leveling, Twitch and Youtube alerts & much more! AddMEE6 Commands ...
4. MEE6 This bot gives you complete control of commands. You can easily set up different commands that will automatically give or remove roles, send message/welcome messages, create a leveling system, and do other things too. The users can also create automated actions for moderating the notor...
10 commands MEE6 can process: 1.!mute – Command for muting a user from the discord server. 2.!tempban – Command for restricting a user from the discord server for a temporary duration. 3.tempmute – Command for temporarily muting a user from the discord server. ...
MEE6 Dashboard Invite to Server 6. Chipbot Chipbot is an excellent music bot for newer channels. All its commands are available to everyone, whether you use it for free or have a premium package. With its 24/7 runtime and extensive music control, Chipbot is a strong contender for top...
you dig in more into the settings, you’ll find options forlyrics, and autoplayand commands cancontrol everything from music to different Settings. Thequality of the music is top-notchin our experience. It’s one of the best Discord Bots to have fun among friends while listening to music....
Dyno, like Mee6, is another bot that can almost do it all. Dyno offers a web dashboard, moderation, custom commands, music capabilities, auto mod, and more. Dyno bot has been added to over 800,000 servers at this point, and it’s not hard to see why. ...
/start-quiz– Starts a music-based quiz show . Moderation (MEE6 and other Bot Commands) !ban– Command for banning a designated user from the discord server. !tempban– Command for restricting a user from the discord server for a temporary duration. ...