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The word "draconequus" is composed of the Latin "draco" or Greek "drakon", meaning "dragon", and the Latin "equus", meaning "horse". His head is horse-like, much different from other ponies' head styles, though Cheerilee describes it as a "head of a pony". He has a deer antler ...
Throughout his tenor, Wilber has generally ignored republican antics in favor of lib coaching (Summary Alert: with deeper levels of consciousness, comes greater responsibility). InTrump And A Post-Truth World,Wilber labels the main pitfall of liberals as ‘aperspectival madness’, or how pluralism...
We are passing in an asynchronous function. In the callback, the first thing we are doing ischecking whether the message is a partial. If it is, then we fetch it, meaning caching or storing it in a JavaScript map method. Similarly, we are checking whether the reaction itself is a parti...