max_anti_raid_queue int 20 To ensure someone does not spam reactions to jam your bot and lock your instances, you can set the maximum queue size. Any reactions above this would be discarded. This will easily help bypass mass emoji reacts breaking the bot. max_dms_per_token int 0 Maximu...
Now uses webhooks instead of bot/user tokens to bypass the discord rate limit DDrive now uploads file chunks in parallel with limit. Which significantly increase the upload speed. I was able to upload file with 5GB of size in just 85 seconds. Public access mode - It is now possible to ...
# 基础小字典,初扫摸底 dirb # 较全面 conda activate py37 dirsearch -u -t 64 -e * # 包含静态检查 conda activate py310 cd ~/dirsearch_bypass403 ; python -u "" -j yes -b yes # 较全面 Plus conda activate py...
Add review bypass for core developers by @BobDotCom in Fixed errros and warnings while building docs (fixes #287) by @Prince2347X in Add Slash Command Permissions support. by @The...
The Easiest Way to Bypass Discord‘s File Size Limit: Imgur When it comes to sharing big files on Discord without paying extra, you can‘t beat a trusty third-party image host. And the undefeated champ in that arena? Imgur. Imgur has been the go-to spot for uploading and sharing images...
[openai] # OpenAI 相关设置 # 自定义 ChatGPT 的 browserless 接入点 # 自3月9日 开始,不设置此项将无法正常使用 browserless 模式下的网页版 ChatGPT browserless_endpoint = "" # 自定义 OpenAI 的 API 接口基础地址 # 通过此功能,你可以搭建一个 OpenAI 的反向代理来避免...
[p]captcha approve <member>: manually bypass the captcha challenge for a member [p]captcha approve-all: mark all pending members as approved [p]captcha challenge <member>: unverify and challenge a member Admins and members with the Manage Serve permission can run these commands: ...
max_anti_raid_queueint20To ensure someone does not spam reactions to jam your bot and lock your instances, you can set the maximum queue size. Any reactions above this would be discarded. This will easily help bypass mass emoji reacts breaking the bot. ...
max_anti_raid_queue int 20 To ensure someone does not spam reactions to jam your bot and lock your instances, you can set the maximum queue size. Any reactions above this would be discarded. This will easily help bypass mass emoji reacts breaking the bot. max_dms_per_token int 0 Maximu...
[openai] # OpenAI 相关设置 # 自定义 ChatGPT 的 browserless 接入点 # 自3月9日 开始,不设置此项将无法正常使用 browserless 模式下的网页版 ChatGPT browserless_endpoint = "" # 自定义 OpenAI 的 API 接口基础地址 # 通过此功能,你可以搭建一个 OpenAI 的反向代理来避免...